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法规标准 第 32 卷 第 4 期 特种设备法规体系建设研究 宋继红 (国家质检总局特种设备安全监察局 北京 100088) 摘要:我国安全生产领域已经形成了以《安全生产法》为基本法,由一系列安全生产法律、法规和规章 构成的较为完整的安全生产法律规范体系。通过对安全生产法规体系和特种设备法规体系的研究,理顺相关 的法律关系,明确特种设备安全监察的属性、法律特征和基本原则,提出措施,强化依法治特,推进特种设 备安全治理体系和治理能力现代化。 关键词:安全生产 特种设备 法规体系 安全监察 依法治特 Research of the Construction of the Special Equipment Regulation System Song Jihong (Special Equipment Safety Supervision Bureau of General Administration of Quality Supervison, Inspection and Quarantine of the People’s Republic of China Beijing 100088) Abstract The relative complete regulation system of safety production based on the basic law “ Production Safety Law” has formed in the safety production areas of China, which is constituted by a series of production safety laws, rules and regulations. With the study on safety production law system and special equipment regulation system, the relevant legal relationship is straightened out, property, legal characteristic and basic principles of the special equipment safety supervision is clearly identified. Meanwhile the paper puts forward measures to strengthen governing special equipment based on regulation and promote the modernization of special equipment safety management system and management ability. Keywords Safety production Special equipment Regulation system Safety supervision Governing special equipment based on regulation 中图分类号:X924.1 文献标识码:B 文章编号:1673-257X(2016)04-0019-05 DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1673-257X.2016.04.001 1 安全生产法律规范体系 《危险化学品安全管理条例》《民用核设施安全监督 管理条例》等28部行政法规。 1.1 我国安全生产法律规范体系概述 部门规章层面,包括国务院有关部门制定的安全 目前,我国安全生产领域已经


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