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第5 卷 第1 期 交 通 运 输 工 程 学 报 Vol.5 No.1 2005 年3 月 Journal of T raffic and Transportation Engineering Mar. 2005 :1671-1637(2005)0-1 003-3 03 1 1 2 曾志平 , 陈秀方,赵国藩 (1. ,  4 10075;2. ,  116024)  :针对无限长轨道上车 -轨道耦合振动响应特性, 建立了铁路直线轨道结构空间振动模型。 采用有限单元法,将轨枕和钢轨离散为线性粘弹性点支承梁单元,运用弹性系统总势能不变值原理 及形成矩阵的“对号入座”法则,建立了模型的振动方程组, 采用轨道不断“增加和缩减”方法,使得 模型的质量、阻尼和刚度矩阵及荷载列阵具有时变特性。运用既有的车 动力学模型和实测参数, 计算了轨道长度为4 m 的车 -轨道耦合振动响应值,钢轨位移、轮对摇摆力以及车体加速度等指 标计算幅值与实测幅值接近, 验证了该模型的可行性。 :铁道工程;轨道振动;有限单元法;粘弹性支承 :U211. 3   :A Time-varying model of railway tangent track spatial vibration 1 1 2 ZENG Zh-i ping , CHEN Xiu-fang , ZHAO Guo-fan (1.School of Civil and Architectural Engineering, Central South University, Changsha 410075, China; 2.School of Civil and Hydraulic Engineering, Dalian University of Technology, Dalian 116024, China) Abstract:In order to analyzing the vehicle-trac coupling vibration character of infinite length trac , a time-varying model of railw ay tangent trac spatial vibration w as presented. With finite element method, both the sleeper and the rail w ere divided by linear viscoelastic discretely supported beam element. The vibration equation group of the model w ere formulated using the principle of total potential energy w ith stationary value in elastic system and the “se-t in-righ-t position” rule for formulating matrixes. Using the technique of trac being “added and cut dow n”, the mass matrix, damp matrix, stiffness matrix and force vector of the model became time-varying. With the existing vehicle dynamics model and the measurement parameters, 4 m trac w as applied to calculate the dynamic responses


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