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* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Topic sentence * * * * * * * * * * * * * 已知信息——未知信息 研究背景:研究领域的信息,为读者提供研究背 景,以突出 研究的重要性和意义 研究成果:其他研究人员的研究成果(已知信息) 当今空白:表明研究的意义,填补现今研究的空白(未知信息) 目的/目标:描述本文的主要发现 合理性/价值 General Specific 文稿准备 —— Introduction 介绍和总结,说清参数和条件。 描述准确,避免形容词 避免评述和讨论 以过去时态描述 提供足够的信息,以便读者能够重复试验或推倒过程 文稿准备 —— Methodology 文稿准备 —— Findings 出发点: 研究目的 数 据: 准确度说明 Table/Figure展示 说 明: 同先前研究的不同之处 设计的局限性 尽量避免总结文章(Abstract) 实用意义与扩展 下一步研究设想 文稿准备 —— Conclusions Harvard style: 哈佛格式,作者在正文中用圆括号注出所引用文献的作者和出版年,在文后参考文献列表中提供所引文献的详细信息,参考文献列表以作者姓氏的字母顺序排序。 参考文献:数量、时间、质量 A Z 文稿准备 —— Reference SSCI参考文献调研 平均每篇文章有48.773条参考文献 文稿准备——在线提交系统ScholarOne 评审状态示例 在线提交系统ScholarOne 审稿方式:两轮同行双盲评审 审稿周期: - 从提交到收到初次反馈:3~3.5个月 - 发表周期3个月~1年不等 审稿结果: - 拒绝— 选题问题,改投其他期刊 - 修改—根据评审意见进行修改、意见不同之处积极与主编沟通 再次提交:修改时间Deadline,随附Revision Notes 论文审稿及发表 Revision Notes Better grounding of the problem. Parts of the front-end of the paper read like a tutorial-like introduction of action research. In a rewrite, there are two things that I would like to see instead. I would expect a clearer attempt to establish the research-practice gap as an intellectual challenge. This is the main theme of the paper and it would therefore be useful to substantiate your understanding of this gap beyond the surface level. Next comment You imply that you do not wish to see a tutorial to CAR (even though one reviewer thinks that this is needed since some sections of the MISQ readership may not be familiar with CAR). We concur with you and have removed the tutorial aspects. The front end of the paper (pages 2-5) has been revised in order to outline the research and practical problems that we focused on. We agree that the research-practice gap needs to be positioned clearly as an intellectual challenge (as highlighted on page 3). We have now deliberately positioned the paper in this way with the challenge manifested in the action-research dichoto


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