
Factors affecting the marketing channel choice of sheep and goat farmers in the region of east Macedonia in Greece regarding the distribution of their milk production 影响西部马其顿大区牧羊人和海鸥农民营销渠道选择的因素.pdf

Factors affecting the marketing channel choice of sheep and goat farmers in the region of east Macedonia in Greece regarding the distribution of their milk production 影响西部马其顿大区牧羊人和海鸥农民营销渠道选择的因素.pdf

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Small Ruminant Research 79 (2008) 87–97 Contents lists available at ScienceDirect Small Ruminant Research j o u rn al h omepage: w w w. elsev /locate/smallrumres Factors affecting the marketing channel choice of sheep and goat farmers in the region of east Macedonia in Greece regarding the distribution of their milk production L. Tsourgiannis a,∗ , J. Eddison b , M. Warren a a School of Geography, University of Plymouth, UK b School of Biological Sciences, University of Plymouth, UK a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t Keywords: This study aims to identify the factors that affect the sheep and goat farmers in the Region Milk distribution channel of East Macedonia and Thrace (Region of EMTh) in Greece in their milk distribution channel Marketing channels choice. The survey was conducting through field interviews based on a questionnaire that was designed by the researchers. The questionnaire was pre-tested in Autumn of 2001. A pilot survey was conducted in the same period while the main survey took place in Spring of 2002 on a sample of 343 farmers that were selected at random. The factors derived from the multivariate statistical analysis are: (a) production orientation, (b) cost focus, (c) profit orientation, (d) differentiation and (e) interpersonal relationships. The main market- ing ch


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