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It has a big body. Wow! It has a small head. small 小的 短的 It has a short tail.(尾巴) 短的 长的 It has a short tail.(尾巴) Look at the head ,it Look at the head. It has a small head. It’s _____. small It ____ _____________. It’s ______. big has a big body Look at the body. Look at the tail. It ______ ____________. It’s ______. short has a short tail Look at the legs. It ____ ____________. They are _______. long has two long legs 描述动物外貌特征的方法: It’s (so) +形容词. It has a +形容词+单数身体部位. It has +形容词+复数身体部位. 温馨提示: 要注意区分单、复数哟! It’s a panda. It has a small nose. Look at the pig. It has a short tail. Look at the pig. It’s fat. It has big eyes and short legs. It has a big body. big eyes. big nose. big ears. It has a big body. big eyes. big mouth. big hands. The has a short tail . It has long …… Mouthing touch the word 全班分成三大组,每组派一位代表到台前拍单词。教师用口型说出单词中的每一个音素,台下学生大声说出单词,台前学生用最快的速度拍出相应的单词。 四人一小组用所已学过的句型It’s …/It has…描述动物的特征,后总结出学校的小动物园应挑选哪些动物最合适? Group work ____ ears small → ____ ears big → → ____ head small → ____ head big → ____ eyes big small short 短的 → long 长的 → It’s long. → It’s long. It’s short. ____ arms long short tail 尾巴 ____ tail long short → → ____ body long short opposite words short ------ short----- big------ (矮的) (短的) tall long small 正话反做! Look at the elephant. It’s so big. big 大的 It has a big body. (它 有) It’s so funny. It has a big body. I have a big body. 我 它 第三人称 第一人称 我有———— I have 我们有—— we have 动物“它”有—— it has long nose. It has a 它有一个长鼻子。 It has _________ . a long body It has _________ . a short tail It has _________ . a short tail It has _________ . a short body It has _________ . big ears It has _________ . big eyes It has _________ . long legs It has… small head big body short tail long legs it’s small. tail 尾巴 * * * * * * * * * B Let’s learn let’s do 看谁说得快! A: Look at that giraffe. B: Wow! It’s so tall. Look at the baby giraffe. It’s short. C: What’s that


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