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PAGE 广东工业大学 华立学院 本科毕业设计(论文) 二手车连锁店经营分析与建议 以骏威龙艾普为例 系 部 管理学部 专 业 市场营销 班 级 07市场营销4班 学 号 学生姓名 刘龙 指导教师 摘 要 改革开放30年来,我国经济得到了突飞猛进的发展,国民GDP持续稳定增涨,人民生活水平日益上升。汽车已悄然走近了千家万户,逐渐由奢侈品向生活必需品转变。随着汽车的不断更新换代、汽车生产销售行业的发展,二手汽车市场也随之产生。由于中国的二手车市场产生时间较短,对于二手车行业来说,连锁经营是一个崭新而重要的课题。 从世界角度看,外国的二手车行业发展较早,有成功的经验可以借鉴。在国内,艾普是当今中国二手车连锁行业的先行者,它在发展中得到的经验和教训都值得我们借鉴,对于其存在的缺点和不足,我们也要找出对应的策略。更要通过分析研究,对其今后的发展给出有建设性的建议。 本文正是通过对中外二手车行业的发展现状、经营模式、总体特点进行了具体对比,从中发现我国二手车行业的问题,并有针对性地提出了解决对策。然后对我国二手车连锁企业代表“艾普”进行了剖析,从中总结出其出色及不足之处,最后从战略、战术上对其提出了发展建议。结合中西理论、成功经验,联系中国二手车行业实际探索出一条适合中国二手车连锁企业发展的新道路。 关键词: 艾普,二手车,连锁 Abstract In the years of the reform and open policy, Chinese economy has made astounding advances, Gross Domestic Product has kept stable increased, and the peoples’ living standards kept rising. Cars begin to enter thousands of family, and turn to a necessary from a luxury item gradually. With the replacement of car, development of car industry, which bring to the birth of Second-hand Car Market. Deal to the setup time of Chinese second-hand car market is short, Chain-store operations is a brand new and important task for the second-hand car market. From the perspective of the world, We can draw lesson from the foreign second-hand car industry of its earlier development. Nowadays, AIPU is the forerunner of second-hand car chain store operation industry in China. Its experience and lesson are worth for our reference. Meanwhile, we need to find out the corresponding strategy of its defect and fault that existed. Furthermore, we need to bring up the constructive opinion for its further development through overhaul analysis. This essay through specific comparison of second-hand car’s development status, business model and general features, to find out the problem of second-hand car industry, and put forward the targeted solution. With dissect AIPU, the Chinese second-hand


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