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从2016年起,我市全国普通高校招生统一考试语文、数学、外语、文科综合、理科综合科目全部使用教育部考试中心命制的全国卷,我市不再进行普通高考自主命题。鉴于全国卷中英语科目考试含有听力部分,因此,从2016年起我市不再使用英语PEST-2级听力考试成绩代替普通高考英语 听力成绩。 考虑到现行普通高考重庆卷的试卷结构在考查内容、题型、赋分、难度上与全国卷存在细微的差别,为了做好重庆卷向全国卷的平稳过渡,确保2016年普通高考顺利进行,市教育考试院要尽快与教育部教育考试中心对接,并邀请有关学科专家对重庆卷与全国卷的差异进行分析,形成分析报告,供中学师生参考,并于2016年初(具体时间待定)在全市组织开展普通高考适应性训练;市教科院也要加强各学科教学、复习、备考的适应性研究,加强对各区县教研机构、学校学科教育、教学的指导和帮助。 What’s the item type called? (2014-2015) ● Task-based reading comprehension 江苏卷、安徽卷 ● Written expression/Writing 湖南卷;山东卷、天津卷、江西卷、四川 卷(阅读表达) ●Completion of sentence 湖北卷 What are the common features? (2014) What are the common features? (2015) What are the grammar points for Multiple-choice tests? Morphology Nouns/Articles: sing. or pl. / c. or u. … Pronouns/Determiners Adjectives/adverbs: comparison superlative … Numerals Prepositions Verbs: tenses, voices, mood, modal/auxiliary verbs/non-finite verbs … What are the grammar points for Multiple-choice tests? Syntax noun clauses adverbial clauses relative clauses compound sentences inversion cleft sentences the use of it … What are the grammar points for Multiple-choice tests? Structures Words failed me when I … Nobody can deny the fact that … Where there is …, there is … I was doing … when I … There is no point in doing … … What are the commonly tested grammar points for this item? Nouns/Articles Pronouns Adjectives/adverbs Prepositions Conjunctions/Connectives/Relative words Tenses/Voices Non-finite verbs Agreement … 2015年全国卷II The adobe dwellings(土坯房) 61 (build) by the Pueblo Indians of the American Southwest are admired by even 62 most modern of architects and engineers. In addition to their simple beauty, what makes the adobe dwellings admirable is their 63 (able) to “air condition” a house without 64 (use) electric equipment. Walls made of adobe take in the heat from the sun on hot days and give out that heat


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