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bench: 法官席位、法庭、裁判庭 Upper bench: 英国12世纪的高等法院 the full bench:全席法庭 Bench Warrant:法官签发的拘捕令 Queen’s Bench 英国高等法院的女王座分院 King’s Bench:英国高等法院的王座分院 civil court: a court of ordinary jurisdiction in Canada and includes a court of summary jurisdiction. “一般刑事法院” civil prisoner: prisoner who has been prisoner in civil court for no more than two years. “普通罪犯” 一、语义信息的对等 法律文献只含有表层结构语义,即法律文本的字面意思就是语言所承载的全部信息,法律语言不存在字里行间的意思。所以,国际商务法律文献翻译者只需把握住原文的篇章结构,正确理解词语在法律背景下的意思,然后将原文的意思用译入语表达出来。例如: The date of the receipt issued by transportation department concerned shall.be regarded as the date of delivery。of the goods. 以上例句中可以说没有生词。但是,对department和concerned在此处的意思恐怕不是每一个翻译者都能正确把握的。如果将department翻译成“部门”,将concerned翻译成“有关的”就曲解了这两个词在法律背景下的含义。其实,transportation department指运输机构,如海运公司或空运公司等专门的运输公司;另外,concerned是指承运公司,因为该运输机构与合同下的货物是“承运”的关系。所以,该例句应翻译成汉语: 由承运的运输机构所开具的收据的日期即被视为交货日期。 这样,原文的语义信息才达到了真正的对等。 二、风格信息的对等 法律语言有着非常显著的语体风格。如前所述,法律语言是最书面化、最正式的语言,用词讲究准确,不容任何引起误解的语言现象。在进行英汉法律文献翻译时,翻译者必须将法律语言的显著的语言特征反映在译入语里。 以下例子摘自国际商会《2000年国际贸易术语解释通则》: Proof of delivery,transport document or equivalent electronic message 交货凭证、运输单据或有同等作用的电子讯息 The seller must at his own expense provide the buyer without delay with the usual transport document for the agreed port 0f destination. 卖方应自付费用、毫不迟延地向买方提供表明载往约定目的港的通常运输单据。 When such a transport document is issued in several originals,a full set of originals must be presented to the buyer 如此运输单据有数份正本,则应向买方提供全套正本。 . Where the seller and the buyer have agreed to communicate electronically,the document referred to in the preceding paragraphs may be replaced by an equivalent data interchange (EDI) message. 如买卖双方约定使用电子方式通讯,则前项所述单据可以由具有同等作用的电子数据交换(EDI)讯息代替。 This document (for example a negotiable bill of lading,a non—negotiable sea waybill or an inland waterway document) must cover the contract goods,be dated within the period agreed for shipment,enable the buyer to claim the goods from the carrier at the port of destination and,unless otherwise agreed,enable the buyer to sell the goods


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