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Types of evidence examples (P3, 4, 5) – groovy, square, jive, rap, cool, chick, dig, rip off – P3 – such as tote, chigger, yam, and tatter – P4 For example, …He done close the door … P5 historical facts (P4, 5) * Exercises III. Translation 1 The musician’s integration of modern jazz and classical music in his latest composition marked a departure from his previous style. The discussion is purely academic; thus any remark concerning the speaker’s political background would be entirely beside the point. Small as the crack on the pipe is, residents in the neighborhood can still smell the gas that has been seeping out. The whole family is stigmatized for having a son in prison for robbery. The doctors decided to graft a piece of skin taken from his thigh onto his face, which was severely burnt. One of the goal set by the government to improve public hygiene is to eradicate diseases such as malaria and cholera, which have taken heavy tolls in the country. For lack of compelling evidence, the suspect has not so far been convicted. How a person speaks and behaves is closely tied up with his family and educational background. * 2. 黑人英语这个话题和种族主义及善解人意两者都有紧密的联系,所以哪怕是这个领域的专家对这一话题也很难进行冷静的讨论。一个极端是种族主义者,他们有意无意地把黑人的说话方式归咎于黑人的厚嘴唇和大舌头这些生理特征,他们认定黑人英语 是一种必须要被淘汰的低劣的语言方式。另一极端是那些善解人意、思想开明的人,他们否认发现黑人英语和白人英语有多大区别,在他们看来黑人英语不过就是美国南部的一种方言而已,之所以和白人的英语有差别是因为黑人所受教育不足。 * Grammar Peter does not know for sure what RSVP on the invitation to dinner stands for. The writer would rather gaze at a toffee than eat it. Children are susceptible to stomach trouble if they fast deliberately in the morning. A case of food poisoning had been diagnosed in the hospital for the aged. The bride and bridegroom’s duet has taken the guests by storm. On no account may/must you/are you (to) leave the party early because you are the guest of honour. Nancy was in no condition to work after two days of fasting in order to be slim. Membership of the gourmet club is restricte


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