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有效管理城市空气质量:培训、设备、人力资源的需求 Overview of Capacity Building Requirements for Effective AQM in Cities: Training, Equipment, Human Resource 傅立新 Fu, Lixin 清华大学环境科学与工程系, Tsinghua University 提纲 Outline 能力建设的现状 Current Status 目前的重点 Focus 存在的问题 Problems 需求 Needs 如何做-设想? How to? 能力建设的现状 Current Status 城市大致可分3类 Cities grouped in 3 categiry 发达城市(约10个) Developed (about 10) 一般城市(大多数) Conventional 欠发达城市(约20个)behind (about 20) 发达城市在设备方面较先进 Developed cities are relatively advanced in terms of equipment 能力建设的现状 Current Status 培训活动较多、人力资源较好 There are many training activities, human resource are abundant 国际合作(世行、亚行等)与自主项目 A lot of international projects (such as WB, ADB), together with self-funded projects 能力建设的现状 Current Status 一般城市有基本的设备、效益发挥不充分 Conventional cities do have basic equipment, but their benefit are not fully realized 培训活动有,但不够满足需求 There are training activities, but not good enough to meet the needs 能力建设的现状 Current Status 人力资源仍不能满足 Human resources are not sufficient 国际合作有一些 Participated in some international cooperation activities 自主项目很少 Few self-funded research projects on AQM 能力建设的现状 Current Status 欠发达城市的设备和基础设施不够 Equipment and infrastructure in behind cities are far from sufficient 培训活动很少 Few training activities related to AQM 人力资源缺乏 Human resources are dearly lacked 能力建设的现状 Current Status 国际合作较少 Few international cooperation activities 自主项目基本没有 Almost no self-funded projects 2. 目前的重点 Focus 空气质量监测站的监测设备 Air quality monitoring instruments 大多数城市有几个自动监测站 Most cities have several automated ambient air quality monitoring station 少数项目涉及到污染源监控设备 Less projects cover monitoring equipment for emission sources 2. 目前的重点 Focus 培训活动主要从属于硬件项目 Most training activities are attached /associated with investment projects 部分技援项目培训了技术人员 Some technical assistance projects cultivated a local technical team 3. 存在的问题 Problems 发达城市主要是管理机制问题 Major problem in developed cities are of management mechanism 如何提高环保部门的权威? How to raise the power of Environmental Agency over paralle


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