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中国海外留学生跨文化适应探究 【摘要】出国留学,作为一种最常见的的国际教育 与文化交流形式,会导致不同文化之间的冲突。本文主要分 析了文化冲击的原因并提出一些关于如何减少文化冲击和 实现跨文化适应的建议。 【关键词】出国留学文化冲击跨文化适应 ABSTRACT: Studying abroad, as the most common form of the exchange of international education and culture can lead to the conflicts between different cultures .This article mainly analyzes the reasons of cultural shock and gives some suggestion on how to reduce the culture shock and realize cultural adaptation. KEY WORDS: Studying abroad Cultural shock Cultural Adaptation CHAPTER 1 Nowadays an increasing number of Chinese students study abroad .This process is a process of cultural contact, which is called cultural adaptation in the academic field? It brings about not only novelty, but also challenge .The reason is t hat living in different cultures means the change of way of life, thinking pattern, etc. whaworse, not everyone can overcome this kind of change and successfully adapt to the foreign life .All of these are called “culture shock” . Thus this paper mainly analyzes the major reasons of culturalcountermeasures onshock and gives some suggestion and how to reduce cultural shock and reasons of cultural countermeasures on realize cultural adaptation. CHAPTER 2 Reasons causing Cultural shock 2. 1 Cultural differences Cultural differences are the main causes of culture shock. 2. 1. 1 The difference in values It is difficult for International students to understand the cultural values of foreigners? This kind of values of inevitably resuIts in cross~cuItural communication barriers .Take the interaction with others for example, Chinese prefer collectivism, not only promoting power and authority, but also respecting the commitment and tradition; while westerners prefer individualism in that they dare to challenge the power and authority, pay attention to equality? 2.1.2 The difference in thinking patterns The traditional thinking pattern of Chinese is collectivism .So the thinking mode of Chinese traditional culture has the characteristics of st


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