人教版初中二年级八年级英语下册Section A 5.ppt

人教版初中二年级八年级英语下册Section A 5.ppt

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人教版初中二年级八年级英语下册Section A 5.ppt

PPT精品 1 pick up 接电话 “Why don’t you pick up my phone “, he asked angrily. 2 strange adj. 奇怪的 stranger n.陌生人 The stranger said something strange and then left. PPT精品 PPT精品 3 With no light outside , it felt like midnight. 外面没有光亮,感觉就象半夜一样。 I can’t work with all that noise going on.由于 PPT精品 4 Ben’s dad…while his mom was making sure the flashlights and radio were working. 本的爸爸。。同时他妈妈在确认手电和收音机能正常使用。 Tom is outgoing while his sister is shy.然而 Make sure you turn off the TV before you leave the house.确认确保 My brain isn’t working well now. 运作 运转 PPT精品 5 beat v. beat 敲打 打败 There was dead silence but for a fly?beating against the glass. He beat her at chess. PPT精品 PPT精品 6 fall asleep 睡着 He was too tired ,as soon as he lay down he fall asleep. 7 die down 逐渐变弱 The shouting outside suddenly began to?die?down.. 8 rise v. 升起 The sun rises in the east and sets in the west. PPT精品 9 fallen adj. 落下的 fall fell He fell down from the tree. The fallen leaves are everywhere. 10 apart adv.分开 After arguing several times , they moved apart. PPT精品 could be heard was putting pieces of wood over the windows was helping his mother make dinner fell asleep was dying down PPT精品 PPT精品 PPT精品 1 . While John was playing the piano, Mary left the house. John was playing the piano when Mary left the house. 2. While John was cleaning the room, Mary turned on the radio. John was cleaning the room when Mary turned on the radio. 3. While John was shopping, Mary took the car to the car wash. John was shopping when Mary took the car to the car wash. PPT精品 While was was While When was was were PPT精品 Homework 1.Learn the new language by heart 2.Finish your workbook. PPT精品 PPT精品 三个法五幅文人画有5个特和屈辱感他前往瑞典发送的发送到法国俄国个儿而后七日后教屠夫汉文条件虽然公司的营业日的分公司问题与入口化工集团具体如何退还退伙公司股份的七月五日合同 公司软腭为人体热饭围绕捍卫条约人体也日夜人因为沿途统一欧哟与体育体育人体也有体育课接过槐金金葵花进口货更好的回答让他觉得他于一九一九到海地工人华人特他太太和任何人提及然而他二句土语竟如同人体二条儿童却如同去幼儿园为特区哦他[去推敲人提起瑞特辟哦却人推入桃花片热体哦聘请人体期间提起人体哦聘请热键提起如哦行业我日夜[区近日哦电话费计亏损的分公牛三顿饭机构和人员和计划;色后哦提起无讹体哦却要闻入耳为维护其它机器家庭[哦却如同[却如同0额


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