人教版初中二年级八年级英语下册Section A 9.ppt

人教版初中二年级八年级英语下册Section A 9.ppt

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人教版初中二年级八年级英语下册Section A 9.ppt

Unit 7 What’s the highest mountain in the world? PPT精品 [tʃəuməu,lɑ:ŋmə] 珠穆朗玛峰 Qomolangma is the highest mountain in the world. It is 8,844.43 meters high. n.米 PPT精品 [səhɑ:rə] 撒哈拉沙漠 9,600,000 square kilometers in size n. 平方 PPT精品 [ kæspiən] 里海(世界最大的咸水湖) 1,025 meters deep adj. 深的 PPT精品 [nail] 尼罗河 6,671 kilometers long PPT精品 square meter deep desert Qomolangma the Nile the Caspian Sea the Sahara PPT精品 1000以上的基数词的表示法: 先从右至左数,每三位加一个逗点。 如:1,234,567,890 one billion two hundred and thirty four million five hundred and sixty seven thousand eight hundred and ninety 注: ①“无万借千”。 ②十前“and”。 一逗是千 二逗百万 三逗十亿 Can you read them? 9,600,000 1,025 6,671 8,844.43 [‘θaʊzənd] [‘mɪljən] [‘bɪljən] PPT精品 9,660,170 1,111,111,111 5,201,314 nine million six hundred and sixty thousand one hundred and seventy one billion one hundred and eleven million one hundred and eleven thousand one hundred and eleven five million two hundred and one thousand three hundred and fourteen 当堂达标 PPT精品 I can read them! 9,600,000 1,025 6,671 8,844.43 one thousand and twenty-five eight thousand eight hundred and fourty-four point four three six thousand six hundred and seventy-one nine million six hundred thousand PPT精品 1a Match the facts you know. Qomolangma about 9,600,000 square kilometers in size The Sahara 1,025 meters deep The Caspian Sea 6,671 kilometers long The Nile 8,844.43 meters high Qomolangma is 8844.43 meters high. The Sahara is… The Caspian Sea is… The Nile is… n. 平方 n. 米 adj. 深的 n. 米 PPT精品 1b Listen and complete the sentences. 1. Qomolangma is ______ than any other mountain in the world. 2. The Sahara is ____________ desert in the world. n. 沙漠 3. The Caspian Sea is ____________ of all the salt lakes. 4. The Nile is _________ river in the world. higher the biggest the deepest the longest Guess PPT精品 A: What is the high


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