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2b. Listen again. Complete the sentences. Tapescript Conversation 1 David: What club do you want to join ,Lisa? Lisa: I want to join the chess club. David: Can you play chess? Lisa: No, I can’t. What about you, John? Joe: I can. Conversation 2 Boy: Hi, Mary. Here are all the clubs. Girl: What club do you want to join Bob? Boy: I want to join the English club. I like to speak English. How about you? Girl: Hmm. I want to join the chess club. Can you play chess? Boy: No, I don’t like chess. Do you like music? Girl: Oh, yes. I can sing and dance. I like music. Boy: Me, too. Let’s join the music club 重点、难点 一、Can的用法 (1)它是辅助动词帮助说明能力、意愿等的词,can后跟动词原形,并且它不随主语人称的变化而变化 。 Eg. I can sing. He can swim. (2) 变否定句直接在can后加“not”。 Eg. I can not dance (3)变一般疑问句直接把can提前。 Eg. Can you dance ? What can you do ? Can的肯定句及否定句形式: I We You She He It They Can 的一般疑问句形式: Can Can的肯定及否定回答: Yes, 7.你会游泳吗? 8.她会弹吉他吗?会。 9.你们会画画吗?不会。 10.他们会说英语吗?会。 2d Role-play the conversation. (Two) Jane: Hi, Bob. ___________________________? Bob: I want to join a sports club. Jane : Great! _______________________? Bob : Soccer. Jane : So you can join the soccer club. Bob : ______________? You are very good at telling stories. You can join the _____________ club. Jane : ______________. But I like to draw, too. Bob : Then join two clubs, __________ club and _______ club! Jane: OK, let’s join now! Key phrases want to do I want to join the music club. 我想弹吉他。 I want to play the guitar. My brother wants to join the chess club. 我弟弟想参加国际象棋俱乐部。 我想加入音乐俱乐部。 Key phrases be good at I am good at telling stories. 我最擅长游泳。 I am very good at swimming. Lily is very good at playing chess. Lily最擅长下象棋了。 我善于讲故事。 Can you swim? Yes, I can./No, I can’t. Can he play chess? Yes, he can./No, he can’t. Can you and Tom play chess? Yes, we can./No we can’t. Can Jane and Jill swim? Yes, they can./No, they can’t. What can you do? I can dance./I can’t sing. Grammar Focus


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