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. PAGE . 学校代码: 10128学 号:200810107021 学校代码: 10128 学 号:200810107021 本科毕业设计说明书 本科毕业设计说明书 ( 题 目: 题 目:家用燃气泄漏报警装置的设计 学生姓名: 学 院:机械学院 系 别:测控系 专 业:测控技术与仪器 班 级:测控08-1 指导教师: 高 级 实 验 师 二 0 一 二 年 六 月 . . 摘 要 燃气(人工煤气、天然气)的普及,为市民提供了方便,也提高市民的生活质量,但是任何事物都有它的两面性,在使用燃气的过程中,因燃气泄漏等原因造成的燃气爆炸、中毒等意外事故时有发生,给人们的生命和财产安全带来了严重的威胁,因此安全使用燃气,是不可忽视的一个重中之重的工作。家用燃气泄漏报警装置能有效监测环境中可燃气体(如CH4)的浓度,一旦其浓度超出报警限定值,就能发出声光报警信号,并且能随着浓度的增加报警音量逐渐加大,能及时起到安全防范的作用。 本设计所研究的可燃性气体报警系统包括:气体信号采集电路、调理电路、模数转化电路、单片机系统电路、报警电路组成,首先利用传感器对可燃气体浓度信号进行监测并且转变成电压信号,选择合适的放大电路,将电压放大到A/D所要求的电压,经过模数转换,将检测的电压值送入单片机,在单片机内完成与设定的电压信号进行比较,当气体浓度超标时,驱动声音和灯光报警。 关键词:传感器;报警器;单片机 Abstract With the popularity of Gas ,for example( artificial coal gas, natural gas ), It is provide a convenient to citizens and improve the quality of lives, But every coin has its two sides,at the use of gas in the process, gas explosion caused by gas leak, So that poisoning and other accidents have occurred, It is harm for people and property and brings the seriously threat to the safe use of gas at the same time, The Domestic gas leakage alarm device can effectively monitor the environment of combustible gases (such as CH4) leakage, Once its concentration beyond the alarm limit value, can send out sound and light alarm signals, and with the increasing concentration of alarm volume increased gradually, The alarm plays a significant role. the sensor especially gas sensors usage and use research are needed. The design and research of the family gas alarm system includes: gas signal acquisition circuit, analog-to-digital conversion electric control circuit, The signals are monitored and converted into voltage signal, select the appropriate amplification circuit, the voltage amplification to the requirement of the A/D voltage, after analog-digital conversion, the detected voltage value into the microcontroller, in the MCU completed within the voltage signal is compared with the set, when the gas concentration exceed the standard, drive


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