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中国木构标准设计与等级表现传统的早期证据 ——以马王堆汉墓棺椁为例 Early Evidences of Standardized Design and Hierarchy Exhibition in Chinese Wooden Structures—With the Example of Coffi ns from Han Dynasty Tombs at Mawangdui 〔美〕路易维尔大学 赖德霖 Delin Lai, University of Louisville, USA 内容提要:对于研究中国木构设计的早期传统,几座唐代遗构是现存最早的地上例 证。本文试图借助分析马王堆汉墓棺椁的地下材料,寻找中国建筑规范化设计并以 构件尺寸大小为等级标志的早期线索。在此基础上,作者认为,马王堆汉墓体现了 东周至西汉时期楚系墓葬设计在死者身份的表现上从青铜礼器到棺椁尺度的转变。 · 作者同时认为,《礼记 檀弓》中“四寸之棺、五寸之椁,以斯知不欲速朽也”的 · 说法与先秦时期“占筮尺”所规定的吉凶尺寸有关,而《礼记 檀弓》的汉代成书 说也可以在马王堆汉墓的设计上得到旁证。此外,借助棺椁研究所获得的汉尺长度 进行度量,作者对墓中出土的“T”形帛画即遣册中提到的“长丈二尺”的“非衣” 这一说法提出了新的证明。 关键词: 马王堆汉墓 中国建筑 标准设计 等级表现 占筮尺 非衣 Abstract: For the study of the early tradition of Chinese timber-structure architecture, the earliest above-ground examples are a few remains of the Tang dynasty. This paper attempts to fi nd earlier evidences of standardized design and hierarchy exhibition in Chinese wooden structures through investigating the archaeological materials yielded from the two Han dynasty tombs at Mawangdui. The author argues that, the two tombs epitomized a transition in Chinese funeral art, in which, ritual bronzes used for demonstrating the status of the deceased during the Eastern Zhou period gave way to the measurements of wooden boards of coffi ns and coffi n chambers in the Western Han. Furthermore, he discovers that four cun and fi ve cun , two numbers that Confucius stipulated in an ordinance for coffin design according to Liji (The Book of Rites), might have a symbolic meaning because of their coherence with the “auspicious” sections on zhanshichi (divine ruler) used by carpent



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