
金融监管 第三章 金融监管体制.pdf

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第三章 金融监管体制 金融监管体制概述 金融监管体制的划分 金融监管体制的变迁及有效性分析 发达国家金融监管体制 中国金融监管体制的发展演变 第一节 金融监管体制概述 一、金融监管体制 定义之一 由一系列监管法律、法规和监管 组织机构组成的体系 定义之二 有关金融监管的权力和职 责如何在不同级次的政府和各 监管机构之间划分的体制. 中央 银——证——保 地方 监管权力 和职责 二、金融监管当局 依法对金融业实施监督与管理权的机构,即监管 主体。 1、监管主体演变趋势:“中央银行—中 央银行、其它专业监管机构——统一监管机 构. 但现阶段包括央行在内的专业机构实施分业 监管,仍是主流 2.中央银行是否会全面退出金融监管领 域??? 回答是否定的.美国2008监管改革方 案强化Fed的监管权力提供了最新证据. 为什么? 第一、货币支付体系不可能 脱离央行监管;第二、金融体系的宏观 稳定责任非央行莫属。 关于银行监管从人民银行分离出去的问题(资料) What Also Triggered the Changes in 2003  Internal pressures  Emerging financial services integration and innovation  Professionalizing regulation and supervision  Restructuring state-owned banks to get the house in order  Political dynamics and expected change of government What also Triggered the Changes in 2003  External pressure  Rising competition anticipated after WTO accession  Increasing scrutiny by international community  Growing need to contribute to regional and international rule-setting in regulation What Were the Alternatives  keep banking supervision in the PBC  Realigning regulatory and supervisory functions in various departments  Or create a SAFE-type of organization  unify regulation and supervision under one roof  Merging all regulatory functions into one  create a separate bank regulator Why Separate Bank Regulator?  Banking was by far the dominant sector  Securities and insurance regulation had just got on their feet  Perceived cultural differences  The issue had been whether to keep banking supervision in or outside the central ba


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