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l l 本 科 毕 业 设 计(论文) 股票技术分析之实证与策略研究 学生姓名: 学 号专业班级:工商管理08-1班 指导教师: (教授) 2012年06月18日 摘 要 当今社会证券市场对经济的促进作用有目共睹,其中最重要的是股票。今天越来越多的投资者选择股票作为个人资产保值增值的重要手段。市场上的投资者主要通过两种方法进行股票投资,一种是基本面分析法,另一种是技术分析法。然而基本面分析需要很强的专业知识,这让许多人望而却步,同时由于我国的证券市场发展不够完善,投机气氛比较浓重,因此只依靠基本面分析的话,往往容易赔钱,因此投资者更倾向于使用技术分析。应投资者决策的需要,各种技术投资理念也从国外流传进来。然而现实中的许多股票技术分析书籍,讲解的往往比较繁琐,尤其是对重点与非重点的区分不是很清楚,这让许多投资者非常头疼,同时这些书籍都不能直接指导操作。 本文通过对实践中人们最常用的技术进行分析,找出每种技术最核心的部分,并阐述这些核心部分对股票波动性的影响,然后对各技术进行综合,再通过选择样本股票进行试验,在此基础中不断进行优化,最后提出三种具体策略,对现实中存在的股票进行操作,探索其实用性。在明确资金管理和操作纪律的前提下能够获得收益。一方面对中小投资者提供一个投资分析思路,另一方面使大家能够更深刻了解各技术分析的核心部分。 关键词:技术分析;股票;操作策略 l l ABSTRACT Role in promoting economic, social stock market today for all to see, one of the most important thing is the stock. Today more and more investors choose stocks as an important means to increase the value of personal assets. Investors on the market, mainly through two ways to stock investment, a fundamental analysis, the other is technical analysis. However, fundamental analysis requires strong expertise, which makes many people away, while the development of Chinas securities market is not perfect, and the speculative atmosphere is relatively strong, so rely on fundamental analysis, they often lose money, so investors are more inclined to use technical analysis. Investor decision-making needs of a variety of technology investment philosophy spread came from abroad.However, the reality in many stock technical analysis books to explain the often more complicated, especially the distinction between key and non-focus is not very clear, which made many investors very headache, these books are not directly guide the operator. In this paper, the most commonly used technology in the practice to identify the most central part of each technology, and describes the core part of the stock volatility, and then the technical synthesis, re-test by selecting the sample stocks, on this basis, the ongoing optimization, proposed three specific strategi


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