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威学托福TPO模考系统 / 2018年8月26日托福考试 独立写作解析 独立写作考题: Imagine you need to improve ur performance in order to get better grades or higher work payment, which way would you choose? -doing more extra work or assignments that are required -participate more actively or contributing your own idea more frequently in the group discussion 中文解读: 为了提高薪资或者学习成绩,需要提升我们自己的“表现”,以下两种选择中哪个更好 1)做额外任务;2)小组中表现积极 题干信息解读 该题整体来说,难度不是很大,因为该题中涉及到的主要方面跟学习和工作挂钩,因为对于学生们来说,并不陌生。 要注意的是,该题目中存在相关背景信息---In order to get better grades or higher work payment,所以,对于题目中出现“背景信息”在2018年的考试中,出现的次数还是比较多的,比较代表性的是2018年6月10日和5月26日的考题,如下: 2018年6月10日 In order to adapt to the life in university and succeed, if you are a freshman, which method do you think is better: 1. attending a one-week orientation or introduction program when you are in the university campus and before classes begin;2. meeting regularly in your first year with students in your major field who have entered the university for several years Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer. 2018年5月26日 When you do some tasks that need creativity, do you prefer to work with others or do them by yourselves? 针对题目中出现相关背景信息,在之前的多次考后分析中都有提及,需要注意的是:在展开文章的过程中,必须在理由段展开中存在相关相关话术去点及该背景信息,否则,作文就会出现所谓的“部分跑题”,一旦出现,独立写作的分数叫不是很漂亮了,所以一定要注意!!! 针对该题2018年8月26日考题,可以选择:doing more extra work or assignments that are required,理由如下 On the one hand, doing additional work or assignments can help us consolidate the knowledge or experience. 针对该理由的论述展开为: doing additional work or assignments---we have to face and deal with more problems---in that process, the possibilities for us to notice where we are not good or proficient will be increased---do some things to make up for that---help us to better consolidate the knowledge or experience---enable us to further understand the major or work---more possibly for us to defeat our competitors---therefore, get higher salaries or positions(最后的阴影部分主要是针对题目中的背景信息进行点及,以防段落展开中存在部分跑题;另外,如果解释论述不够,可以给出相关具体案例。 文章内容来源:威学一百


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