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湖北理工学院 毕业设计(论文) PAGE PAGE 0 湖北理工学院 毕业设计(论文) 摘要 随着科技的进步,社会对新生儿的看护工作也越来越重视。中国是一个人口出生率很高的国家,所以相应地对婴儿床的需求量也非常的大。然而,以往设计的婴儿床大都专注于睡眠质量的考虑,忽略了看护安全及看护人的工作感受。本次设计的多功能婴儿床根据所要实现的功能,综合运用所学的基本理论知识和相关的机械设计专业知识,完成了相应的设计,并绘制了婴儿床的三维模型图。婴儿床由升降机构、平面推力轴承、操作手轮等组成。婴儿床的升降采用螺纹传动完成;旋转利用平面推力轴承完成;平移则采用的是滑轨与凹槽的锁合结构。升降机构的性能验算包括依据材料强度的截面设计、材料的刚度校核、有限元分析。 本次设计旨在研发一款能实现平移、升降、旋转功能的婴儿床,从而安全可靠地减轻婴儿看护人的劳动强度。 关键词:多功能、升降、三维模型、性能验算、有限元分析 Abstract with the development of science and technology, the society pay more and more attention to the work of neonate nursing. China is a country of high birth rate, so the corresponding demand for crib is large. However, most of the previous design of the crib to focus on sleep quality, ignoring the safety and caregivers’ feeling of the work. The design of multifunctional crib base on demanded function, use the knowledge of basic theory and related professional knowledge of machinery design, completed the corresponding design and draw a three-dimensional model of the crib. The crib composed by the lifting mechanism, thrust bearings, handwheel and so on. Lifting function is completed by screw driver; rotating use thrust bearings completed; translation then uses a locking structure of slide and groove. Performance checking of the lifting mechanism includes a cross-sectional design based on material strength, material’s stiffness checking, finite element analysis. The research aimed at designing a crib which can fulfill the function of translation,lift,rotation.So it can reliably reduce the caregiver’s labor intensity. Keywords: Multifunction、lift、three-dimensional model、Performance checking、finite element analysis 目录 TOC \o 1-3 \h \z \u 第一章 绪论 1 1.1课题的意义 1 1.2研究现状 2 1.2.1关于婴儿床设计的国内外发展现状 2 1.2.2关于升降机构的国内外发展现状 3 1.3结构设计的内容 6 第二章 婴儿床的具体结构设计 7 2.1 方案设计 7 2.1.1结构设计 7 2.1.2材料的选择 8 2.1.3连接板的尺寸设计 9 2.1.4婴儿床整体效果图 11 2.2平移机构的设计 13 2.3升降机构的设计 14 2.4回转机构的设计 17 第三章 多功能婴儿床关键部件的建模 17


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