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粮食加工产集群治理 ——以孟州粮食加工产业集群治理为例 PAGE IV 题 目: 顾客满意陷阱的影响因素研究 院系名称: 专业班级: 学生姓名: 学 号: 指导教师: 教师职称: 摘 要 2008年美国爆发了金融危机,进而席卷全球,演变成为了世界性的金融危机。在金融危机的冲击下,美国和世界其他国家经济遭到重创。在这种形势下,企业为了生存下去,纷纷采取很多措施,提高顾客满意度,以希获得顾客的高忠诚度。但却没有达到预期的目标。 本文通过对手机行业的分析,针对该行业中存在高满意度、低忠诚度的问题,结合最新理论,提出了研究顾客满意陷阱影响因素的思路。首先,本文综述了研究的背景、目的和意义,进而对顾客满意、顾客忠诚和其二者关系的有关文献进行了综述,为论文的展开奠定了根基。其次,通过问卷的调查得出有关的大量数据,用spss统计软件,分析出数据间的关系,找出顾客满意陷阱的影响因素。 通过本文的研究,得到以下主要结论:替代者吸引力、社会的行为规范和情境因素、顾客购买的便利程度、顾客购买行为类型、社会发展状况和消费者的经济状况、企业与顾客之间信息和情感的沟通、品牌形象感知是顾客满意陷阱的影响因素。 关键词:顾客满意陷阱 顾客忠诚 替代者吸引力 Title The study on affect factors of customer satisfaction trap Abstract The financial crisis broke out in Amercian in 2008, and then sweeping the globe, evolved into a global financial crisis. In the financial crisis, the United States and other countries has been hit in the world economy . Under such circumstances, the enterprise in order to survive, have taken a number of measures to improve customer satisfaction, access to the Greek high-loyalty customers. But did not achieve the desired goal. Based on the analysis of mobile phone industry for the industry in high satisfaction and low loyalty issues, combined with the latest theory, put forward a study of the impact factors of customer satisfaction the idea of the trap. First of all, this paper, the study background, purpose and meaning, in turn, customer satisfaction, customer loyalty and the relationship between the two reviewed the literature for the thesis laid the foundation for the start. Secondly, through a questionnaire survey of a large amount of data related with spss statistical software to analyze the relationship between the data to identify the impact of customer satisfaction factors trap. Through the study of this article, the following major conclusions: the attractiveness of alternatives, social norms and situational factors in behavior, the degree of customer conv


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