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5.My father is a ____ man. He always works____ and stays up late. A.hard, hard  B.hardly, hard C.hard, harder D.hard-working, hard 6.Jone worked very ________ (hard) last year and this year she works much _______(hard). 7.Hangzhou is one of _______________________ cities in China. (beautiful) 8.This is one of _______________________ (interest) stories in this book. hard harder the most beautiful the most interesting 9.The noise is getting_____ and _____. A.bigger, biggest B.bigger, bigger C.heavier, heaviest D.heavier, heavier 10.Nowadays students learn _____. A.quicker and quicker B.quicklier and quicklier C.more quickly and more quickly D.more and more quickly ? 谢 谢! 放映结束 感谢各位批评指导! 让我们共同进步 形容词、副词大认亲 careful carefully angrily angry quick quickly happy happily beautiful beautifully 形容词 副词 副词 形容词 ......的 ......地 修饰 名词、代词 修饰 动词、形容词或整句 Miss Yang is a ______ woman. (beautiful, beautifully) The dog is dancing ______. (happy, happily) He is ______ with me. (angry, angrily) He looks ______ today. (happy, happily) Listen ______. (careful, carefully) Don’t drive so ______. (quick, quickly) beautiful happily angry happy carefully quickly 形容词变身副词 形容词 副词 loud大声的 quiet安静的 slow慢的 careful小心的 quick快的 bad坏的 loudly大声地 quietly安静地 slowly慢地 carefully小心地 quickly快地 badly坏地 一般 直接加ly. 形容词变身副词 形容词 副词 happy快乐的 easy简单的 angry生气的 heavy重的 happily快乐地 easily简单地 angrily生气地 heavily重地 以辅音字母+y结尾的形容词,变“y”为i再加ly. 奇葩一朵朵 good好的 well好地 形容词 副词 true真实的 truly真实地 terrible恐怖的 terribly恐怖地 他睡觉睡得很好! He sleeps well! 她唱歌唱得很恐怖! She sings terribly. 千年老妖,保持不变 late晚的 late晚地 形容词 副词 early早的 early早地 fast快的 fast快地 late-late early-early high-high fast-fast 老妖 get up early, run fast,go home late. 纠结的怪兽 adj. 困难的;硬的;有力的;努力的 adv. 努力地;猛力地;严重地;沉重地 hard 这张床很硬。 The bed is hard. Kaya 工作很努力。 Kaya works hard. 形容词的比较级和最高级 比较级用于两者之间的比较 Cindy is taller than Angela. Cindy 比Angela高. I am stronger than you! ? 1、直接在形容词后加??er


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