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明宣宗朱瞻基及其绘画研究 摘 要 本文是一篇专门研究明宣宗朱瞻基绘画艺术的文章。论文分为三章,分别 从明宣宗的生平与性格爱好、明宣宗的绘画、明宣宗与宣德画院的角度,对其 绘画风格、艺术态度、所由借鉴及所产生的影响进行了分析。宣宗生长在内府, 年幼时《永乐大典》编撰完成,皇室藏书、藏画甚丰,此得天独厚的条件使他 能遍览历代遗珍;当时的永乐画院也已初见规模,院画家有著名的“禁中三绝” ??边景昭、蒋子成和赵廉,宣宗可以就近从他们身上汲取艺术养分;他从祖 父朱元璋那里继承了尚雄壮的美学思想,又从少师姚广孝那里吸纳了元人的清 逸之韵。他本人爱好广泛、艺术修养全面,喜爱射猎、游苑;在诗文、书法、 瓷器、铜器方面都有造诣;性格果决、雍容、严谨。诸如这些,反映在他的作 品中,使其作品呈现出一种独特的风格:题材广泛、生动精妙,谨严和疏放结 合,富于书法用笔,具有寓意性。另外,我们还能从他的款识中了解到其绘画 的功用。宣宗对绘画的爱好和提倡,他对画院的管理,他和院画家的融洽关系, 还使当时的画院创作相当活跃。尤其反应宣宗审美特点的南宋马夏画风,在画 院中盛行。所以,宣宗的绘画艺术对研究古代宫廷绘画具有重要的意义。 关键词:明宣宗;绘画;写意;宣德画院1Abstract This article is devoted to study the painting art of Ming Xuan-zong,whose name is Zhu zhan-ji,this thesis is divided into three chapters, to analyze the painting style of his Chinese Painting 、his attitude to art、the reference and impact of his Chinese painting ,from his life 、character and Chinese painting, the point of view with Xuande-Academy of Fine Arts. Ming Xuan-zong has been growing in the palace, when he was young, Yong le Compilation completed, there were a wealth of books and paintings at the Imperial Palace, this unique condition enable him to read the ancient collection; at the same time, the Yong le-Academy of Fine Arts had shown initial signs of a scale, there were well-known artists in the Academy of Fine Arts called “Three Great” ??Bian Jing-zhao、Jiang Zi-cheng and Zhao Lian, Xuan-zong could learn from the nearest people, he inherited the aesthetic ideal from his grandfather who is emperor Zhu Yuan-zhang which advocating magnificent, then absorbed the clear and flowing rhyme within Yuan Dynasty people from small-General Yao Guang-xiao. His loving is so rich, and his artistic cultivationis comprehensive, liking hunting and tourism, having accomplished In poetry, calligraphy, porcelain, bronzes, his very decisive character, being grace and rigorous, such as these are reflected in his works, showing a unique style: wide range of subjects, lively and sophisticated, combining the


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