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Carl Rogers’ significant learning and its application 罗杰斯---有意义学习 Review Ausubel’s meaningful learning theory ---representational learning (表征学习) ---conception learning(概念学习 ) ---propositional learning(命题学习) Carl Rogers’ significant learning 罗杰斯---有意义学习 提出了意义学习的学习观。罗杰斯把学习分为两类,一类是无意义音节学习,一类是意义学习。 人类生来就有学习的潜能,教育应以学习者为中心,充分发挥他们的潜在能力。 提供学习资源,创造良好学习氛围。 构建真实的问题情境,提倡从做中学,鼓励学生自由探索。 强调学习过程中学生的主体地位,教师是学生学习的促进者,多进行表扬鼓励。 强调学习过程不仅是学习者获得知识的过程,而且是学习方法和健全人格的培养过程。 Carl Rogers’ significant learning Human beings have a natural potential for learning to establish personal relevance and arouse students’ interests in learning Reading Task: What is the Black Box? STEP 1 揭秘黑匣子    黑匣子    是飞机的电子记录设备之一。可将飞机停止工作或失事坠毁前的技术参数和驾驶舱内的声音记录下来。可保留20多个小时的飞行记录。 BLACK BOX 黑匣子 Learner-centered teaching to prize, acceptance, trust---another attitude to facilitate learning to give a general lead or hint for students by giving several questions for guidance 强调学习过程中学生的主体地位,教师是学生学习的促进者。 构建真实的问题情境,提倡从做中学,鼓励学生自由探索。 STEP 2 QUESTIONS? To describe black box in your own words. If the plane crash deep into ocean, how can black box works? What is the Black Box? The black box, which is actually orange in colour, is the device used to record any instruction sent to the plane and also records any conversation had through radio, in the cockpit and between cockpit crew. The box is designed to endure the high impact of a plane crash, the pressures of the deep sea and the high and low temperatures of fire and ice. In 2009, after Air France flight 447 crashed into the Atlantic Ocean, It was believed that it occurred due to technical faults in the aircraft. However, after nearly two years of searching, the black box was found and told the story of a how a confused and frightened crew made errors flying the plane through a major storm that eventually led to its deadly crash. However, how the black box signal works deep in the Atlantic Ocean? If a plane


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