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第六讲:评估和计划 (assessing and planning) A basic assumption underlying the framework for assessment is that human behavior is the product of the interaction between persons and their environments. Every human being has an interdependent relationship with others and is a component of a number of interlocking social systems. 存在于评估原理背后的一个基本假设是人的行为是人和他们的环境之间相互作用的产物。人人都有与他人的相互依赖关系,是许多相互联系的社会系统的组成部分。 第六讲:评估和计划 (assessing and planning) Three umpires are sitting around over a beer, and one says, “There’s balls and there’s strikes, and I call ’em the way they are.” Another says, “there’s balls and there’s strikes, and I call ‘em the way I see ‘em.” the third says, “there’s balls and there’s strikes, and they ain’t nothin’ until I call ‘em.” 一、评估的含义 1、评估的定义: Hepworth Larsen (1986):评估是收集、分析和综合数据进入系统阐述的过程,这种系统阐述包含了下述重要的方面:(1)案主问题的性质,包括特别关注于案主和其他人在困难中的角色;(2)案主和其他人的功能(优点、局限、人格、财富和缺陷);(3)案主解决问题的动机;(4)形成问题的相关环境因素;(5)有用的或者改善案主困难的重要的资源。 Barker (1999):确定问题的性质、原因、演化和后果以及问题中涉及的人格和环境的过程,获得对问题、成因和能够改变什么来减少问题或者解决问题的理解的功能。 Max Siporin (1975): assessment is a differential, individualized, and accurate identification and evaluation of problems, people, and situations and of their interrelations, to serve as a sound basis for differential helping intervention.(评估是对问题、人、情境及它们之间的相互关系进行有区别的、个别化的、准确的确认和评价的过程,它作为区分性的帮助干预的正确基础) 一、评估的含义 Marty Dewees (2006): the process that looks for the meaning in client situations, orders and prioritizes the relevant factors, and leads to appropriate action.(评估是寻求案主情境的意义、对相关因素排序和列出优先顺序、采取相应行动的过程) Coulshed和Orme的定义:an ongoing process, in which the client participates, the purpose of which is to understand people in relation to their environment; it is the basis for planning what needs to be done to bring about change in the person, the envrionment or both.(评估是一个案主参与、目的在于理解环境中的人的持续过程,它是计划做什么以使人、环境、或者两方面发生改变的基础) 一、评估的含义 当代社会工作者对评估的共同看法: 评估就是更加完整地理解案主的背景(context),既关注问题领域,也关注案主的力量(优势)与资源。资源包括扎根于案主生活经验的地理、历史、文化和传统。 生态系统观指导对评估信息的分析:整体取向(holistic approach to assessment)——



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