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China 2009 * SHOIN SHION: S: ALC + role transitivity H: role hiersrchies O: nominals I: Inverse roles N: cardinality restriction SHOIN(D) = OWL-DL D: datatypes China 2009 * Knowledge Base Semantics An interpretation I satisfies (models) a Tbox axiom A (I 2 A): I 2 C v D iff CI μ DI I 2 C ′ D iff CI = DI I 2 R v S iff RI μ SI I 2 R ′ S iff RI = SI I 2 R+ v R iff (RI)+ μ RI I satisfies a Tbox T (I 2 T ) iff I satisfies every axiom A in T An interpretation I satisfies (models) an Abox axiom A (I 2 A): I 2 x:D iff xI 2 DI I 2 hx,yi:R iff (xI,yI) 2 RI I satisfies an Abox A (I 2 A) iff I satisfies every axiom A in A I satisfies an KB K (I 2 K) iff I satisfies both T and A China 2009 * Reasoning Tasks for Concept China 2009 * Reduction to Subsumption China 2009 * Reduction to Unsatisfiability China 2009 * Reducing Unsatisfiability The followings are equivalent: * 系列讲座 China 2009 * 语义网的逻辑基础 Logical Foundation of the Semantic Web 主讲: 黄智生 Zhisheng Huang Vrije University Amsterdam, The Netherlands 助教: 胡伟 Wei Hu Southeast University China 2009 * 课程时间表Schedule China 2009 * 描述逻辑是什么? 描述逻辑基本系统 描述逻辑种类 描述逻辑实例 讲座2:描述逻辑导论 Lecture 2: Introduction to Description Logics China 2009 * 描述逻辑是一类知识表示语言表达应用领域的概念定义(有可以被看作为专业术语知识)Description logics (DL) are a family of knowledge representation languages which can be used to represent the concept definitions of an application domain (known as terminological knowledge) 描述逻辑是什么? What are Description Logics? China 2009 * 描述逻辑简史 A Brief History of Description Logics Major focus of KR research in the 80’s Led by Ron Brachman – (ATT Labs) Grew out of early network-based KR systems like semantic networks and frames. Major systems and languages – 80s: KL-ONE, NIKL, KANDOR, BACK, CLASSIC, LOOM 90s: FACT, RACER, 00s: DAML+OIL, OWL Used as the basis for the Semantic web languages DAML+OIL and OWL Some (one) commercial systems China 2009 * 概念与本体 Concepts and Ontologies Philosophical discipline, branch of philos


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