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Result: Sentence Pattern There are benefits (主语) associated with A (?dose 剂量) compared with B at (?weeks 时间) (+?/all showed improvement compared with +?/all, OR?, 95% CI? to?, P ≤?). 掌握 Main results – 3 division Cognition shows… (different data.) Activities show… // . Measures of mood show …// . Division – 后分(疗效) 掌握 same pattern with different subjects and data Cognition shows benefit for Ginkgo (dose less than 200mg/day) compared with placebo at 12 weeks (SMD -0.57, 95% CI -1.09, -0.05, P=0.03, random effects model). 掌握 same pattern with different subjects and data Activities shows benefit for Ginkgo (dose less than 200mg/day) compared with placebo at 12 weeks (SMD -0.57, 95% CI -1.09, -0.05, P=0.03, random effects model). 掌握 * Ginkgo [5^iNk^Eu] maidenhair 掌叶铁线蕨 (少女秀发蕨) Strong 精力充沛的 Robust [rE5bQst] 《医学英语新教程》 第30章 - p234 – 阅读16句子 Cochrane Library 系统综述文摘 《医学英语新教程》 第30章 - p234 – 阅读16句子 Ginkgo 银杏 Learning Objectives of Systematic Review To master Title Author Structure of SR Result Conclusion 掌握 5段 7步 标题 (十分简洁) Ginkgo Biloba for cognitive impairment and dementia 白果治疗认知损害与痴呆症(Cochrane系统综述) 掌握 标题 (十分简洁) Ginkgo Biloba for cognitive impairment and dementia 白果治疗认知损害与痴呆症(Cochrane系统综述) 掌握 标题固定句式:中心词 + for 短语 掌握 当代(科技)医学英语特点 Controlled language 作者(≥2) Birks J Grimley Evans J 掌握 (Cochrane 综述文摘) Cochrane Review ‖ Systematic Review Abstract Structure of Cochrane Reveiw Introduction Background Objective Search strategy Selection criteria Data collection and analysis Main results Review’s conclusion 掌握 Structure of Cochrane Reveiw Introduction 引言 Background Objective Search strategy 检索策略 Selection criteria 选择标准 Data collection and analysis 数据收集与分析 Main results 主要结果 Review’s conclusion 综述者结论 掌握 引言 (修订,截至,被动) A substantive amendment to this systematic review was last made on 26 August 2002. 此系统综述的实质性修改截止2002年8月26日。 Background origin 起源 current status 现况 mechanism 机制 掌握 Background – origin Extracts of the leaves of the maidenhair tree, Gink



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