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PAGE 2 北美杰出华裔高中生公益奖学金申请表 North American Prominent Chinese Highschool Student Public Service Scholarship Application Form Instructions Please fill out all sections of this form in English Please sign and date this form Please send the filled form to this email address: scholarships@fornextgen.org as an attachment in PDF format Please send all required supplemental documents to the email address above as attachments Please submit the application after January 1, 2019 and before March 1, 2019 I. 个人资料 Basic Information 姓名 Name 年龄 Age 家庭住址 Home Address 电话 Phone 电子邮箱 Email 学校 School II. 公益活动 Public Service 年 Year 累计公益活动小时 Total Public Service Hours 累计募集款 Total Money Raised 活动简述 Brief Summary of Public Service 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 * Please attached a detailed list of all public service activities by date, hour of service or money raised, organizer of the event and detailed description of service/activity. III. 组织领导能力 Leadership 日期 Date 活动/组织 Activity/Group 参加/团队人数 Total Participants/Members 职位 Role 捐款额 Money Raised IV. 学习成绩 School Academic Record 年 Year 第一学期平均成绩 First Semester Average GPA 第二学期平均成绩 Second Semester Average GPA 总平均成绩 Overall PGA 2018 V. 特殊才艺 Special Talent If you have won any price/award in state or national competition in music, art, or sports, please describe in the following box: VI. 补充材料 Supplemental Documents: 作文 Personal Essay – 作文的题目可以是围绕公益活动,但也可以是其它的题目。 The title/subject of the essay can be related to public service. But other titles/subjects are fine too. 两封非亲属的推荐信 Two reference letters written by non-family/related individuals. – 推荐信的内容包括,但不限于,申请者的人品,参与公益活动的热情,对社区的贡献,特殊的才能等。The reference letter may include, but not limited to, the applicant’s character, compassion for public service, contribution to community, special talent, etc. 其它公益组织的证明信 (如果有)Letter from other public service organizations (If there is any) V. 签字 Signature: ___________________________________ _______________________________________ Full


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