5S及目视化 车间基础管理培训.ppt

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Basic Workplace Organization 车间基础管理 5S Methodology 5S 方法 How about your enterprise 什么样的企业 Intuitive goodness. 良好的直觉感受 Helps establish, reinforce and discipline Standard Work 有助于导入,强化和规范标准化工作 Reduces Waste, Improves Safety, and Improves Quality. 减少浪费,提高质量和保障安全 Easier Maintenance and increases value of equipment. 设备更易于维护,提高设备的使用价值 Exemplifies Respect of Customers and Associates 体现了客户与员工之间的相互尊重 Supports a Positive Mental Attitude 保持积极的精神状态 Conveys Pride in the Workplace 让车间洋溢着自豪的情绪 Convey the purpose for using the Lean tool of 5S to create a Visual workplace. 使用精益生产工具:5S实现目视化管理的车间 Provide a detailed description of the Separate, Straighten, Shine, Standardize, Sustain stages of the 5S process. 解释5S(整理、整顿、清扫、清洁、素养)的真正含义 Explain the relationship between the Lean tools of 5S and Standard Work. 说明精益生产工具:5S和标准化工作之间的关系 Describe the process for initiating a 5S event. 开展5S活动的实施步骤 Describe the importance and uses of Visual Management tools in the workplace. 车间目视化管理工具的使用及其重要性 5S Evaluation Scoring Criteria – Sample 5S 评估 打分标准 Visual Management in Our World 目视化管理无处不在 Visual Management 目视化管理 Visual Management 目视化管理 Benefits of Visual Management 目视化管理的益处 Visual Management Tools 目视化管理工具 Visual Management Tools 目视化管理工具 Visual Management Tools 目视化管理工具 Visual Management Tools 目视化管理工具 Visual Management Tools 目视化管理工具 Visual Management Tools 目视化管理工具 Visual Management Tools 目视化管理工具 TEAM INVOLVEMENT BOARD – 团队看板 A board that the team uses to display their ACHIEVEMENTS and describe their team through their team name, pictures, awards, etc. 看板显示团队曾经取得的成就,描述团队成员的名字,照片,奖励等 你学到了什么 Horizontal surfaces tend to become collection points for clutter. One strategy is to create angled surfaces instead. Junk and clutter will not accumulate on an angles surface. A good example is to replace a standard desk with a stand-up shop desk. The angled top provides a writing surface when it’s needed but excess papers etc. will fal


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