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人教版4年级英语上册知识点目录 Unit Topic Words structure Unit1 My classroom window(窗户) board(写字板)light(灯,灯管) picture(画,图画)door (门)floor(地板 )classroom(教室) many(许多的) our(我们的)classmate(同学)have a look(看一看)seat(座位)near(在......的旁边) what(什么)in(在......里面)the(这个,那个)we(我们)have(我们)有new (新的) go(去) where (在......哪里) computer(计算机)teachers desk (讲台)wall(墙)fan(扇子,电扇)clean(打扫,清洁,擦干净的) good idea(好主意) all right(好吧,好的)good job(干的好)you(你) see(看)me(我) look at(看) 1.What’s in the classroom ? Many desks and chairs. 2.Let’s clean our classroom . OK! Good idea . All right. 3.Where’s my seat ? It’s near the door. Unit2 My school bag Chinese book(语文书)English book(英语书)math book(数学书) schoolbag(书包)stiry-book(故事书)notebook(笔记本) colour(颜色) fat(胖的) may (可以) sure(当然可以)here you are(给你)bag(包 ) pencil(铅笔) pen(钢笔)twenty-one(二十一)thirty(三十) thirty-one(三十一) forty(四十)forty-one(四十一)fifty(五十)too many(太多)heavy(重的;沉重的)what’s=what is sorry(对不起)book(书)ruler(尺子)pencil-case (铅笔盒) 1.How many books do you have? I have 6. 2.What color is it? It’s black and white. 3.May I have a look? Sure. Here you are. 4.How many English books can you see? I can see ….Sorry, too many. 5.What’s in it? Many books. Unit3 My friends long hair 长头发 short hair 短头发 thin 瘦的 strong 健壮的 quiet 安静的 friend(s) 朋友(复数)Chinese 中国的 like 喜欢 his 他的 photo 照片 hes=he is他是 has(他/她) name 名字 he 他 teacher 教师student 学生 music音乐 science 科学 sports 体育运动 computer game 电脑游戏 painting 绘画 shes=she i她是 her 她的 youre=you are你是、你们 she 她 right 对的;正确的 boy 男孩 girl 女孩 friend 朋友 1.Who is he? He is my friend. 2.What’s her name ? ① Her name is Amy. ② She’s Amy . ③ Amy . 3.What’s his name ? His name is Zhang Peng . ② He’s Zhang Peng . Unit4 My home study 书房 bathroom 卫生间 bedroom 卧室 living room 起居室 kitchen 厨房 its=it is 它是hey 嘿 fish 鱼 isnt=is not here 这里 home 家 room 房间 school 学校 classroom 教室 phone 电话 bed 床 sofa 沙发 shelf 书架 fridge 冰箱 table 桌子they 他们 arent=are not theyre=they are key 钥匙 open 打开 look 看 please


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