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* * * * * * This slide is ANIMATED and represents the connection between the DMCplus controllers and the Composite LP. Each time the PAGE DOWN Key is hit the following will occur The DP Constraint will show up in the C2 splitter The Speed constraint will show up in the Ethylene Refrigeration The DMCplus controller envelopes will appear. The Composite LP will appear. Primarily used when the plant is cold side limited. For example, If the main constraints in the plant are the C2 splitter delta pressure and the ethylene machine speed. We first build are control scheme as follows and then link the back end to the front end with the CLP. The CLP will effectively manipulate furnaces feeds to load up the compressor and C2 splitter while honoring optimization targets for compositions and pressures. Notes: Handles extremely large control problem - entire ethylene plant Contains same models as individual controllers Acts as one large multivariable controller by utilizing lower level controllers Maintains plant at optimization targets and constraints * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * RT-OPT 稳态检测和 数据有效检查 模型参数估计 优化应用 DMCplus 多变量模型约束控制 进料系统 反应系统 压缩系统 蒸馏系统 过程仪表系统 操作装置 DMCplus / RT-OPT集成 先进过程控制与实时优化 of RT-OPT Time (Hours) Unit Profitability ($) major disturbance actual unit profit (DMCplus on) potential unit profit RT-OPT Implementations 计划、调度、优化一体化 计 划 调度 控 制 优 化 实际约束 月平均 日调度 原料、成品 价格 1 2 3 4 约束条件、订单 DMCplus 和 RT-OPT 的经济效益 增加产量 增加反应深度 提高产品质量和产量 降低能耗及操作费用 改善过程可操作性及安全可靠性 DMCplus和RT-OPT 效益 炼油装置 效 益 装置处理量 典型经济效益 (美分/桶) ($百万/年) 常减压 5 - 10 135 Kbspd 2.5 - 5.0 催化裂化 20 - 40 38 Kbspd 2.8 - 5.6 重整 5 - 25 25 Kbspd 0.5 - 2.3 加氢裂化 10 - 30 26 Kbspd 1.0 - 2.9 烷基化 5 - 35 10 Kbspd 0.2 - 1.3 延迟催化 10 - 40 31 Kbspd 1.1 - 4.5 轻组分 10 - 20 40 Kbspd 1.5 - 2.9 异构化 5 - 15 30 Kbspd 0.5 - 1.6 润滑减压 10 - 40 10 Kbspd 0.4 - 1.5 芳烃 15 - 20 15 Kbspd 0.8 - 1.1 MTBE 炼油 28 - 40 4 Kbspd 0.4 - 0.6 MTBE 世界规模级装置 50 -


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