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目录 TOC \o 1-3 \h \z \u Narrative Discourse 2 Chapter One order 5 Chapter Two Duration 9 Chapter Three Frequency 13 Chapter Four Mood 15 Chapter Five Voice 19 Narrative Discourse By Gerard Genette Pbed in 1980 Narratology denotes both the theory and the study of narrative and narrative structure and the ways that these affect our perception. As a matter of fact, this word is an anglicisation of French word narratologie, coined by Tzvetan Todorov (Grammaire du Décaméron, 1969). Since the 1960’s, the contemporary narrative theory has been rapidly developing towards maturity, in which French structuralist critic Gerard Genette plays a pivotal role. On the basis of absorbing the others’ research results, he constructs his own narrative theory, whose origin mainly includes Saussure Linguistics, Structuralism, Russian Formalism, and New Russian formalists argue that the literary characteristic is not what to write but how to write. Literary narrative mainly includes “sjuzhet” (plot) and “fabula” (usually refers to story. Fabula and sjuzhet (also syuzhet, sujet, sju?et, or suzet) are terms originating in Russian Formalism and employed in narratology that describe narrative construction. Sjuzhet is an employment of narrative and fabula is the order of retelling events. They were first used in this sense by Vladimir Propp and Shklovsky.). And the plot determines the story. On the basis of this formalist concept, Propp places emphasis on form and structure of works in his Morphology of the Folktale (1928). But he only takes note of the syntactic relationship of the surface of the story. Later Gremas, Levi Strauss, and French narratologist Bremond carry out a series of comprehensive researches on the relationship between the surface and deep structures of the story, and sum up a wide variety of grammatical patterns of the story. Though large and vague, these narrative structure models provide a great reference for Genette. New Criticism representatives Bro


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