人教版英语必修三Unit 1(Using language:A Sad love Story)教学课件.pptVIP

人教版英语必修三Unit 1(Using language:A Sad love Story)教学课件.ppt

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turn down turn off turn on turn out turn to sb. for help * * the Double Seventh Day Chinese Valentine’s Day 七 巧 节 Feb. 14th The seventh day of the seventh lunar month heart-broken granddaughter of the Goddess visited the earth met the herd boy fell in love…got married secretly angry…return to heaven cross the Milky Way to meet once a year magpies make a bridge of their wings On the seventh day of the seventh lunar month 七 巧 节 Qiqiao Festival 1.What was Li Fang heart-broken? 2.What did he thought? 3.Why was the TV story what Li Fang needed? 4.Why did Li Fang throw away the flowers and chocolates? 5. What is the reason why Li Fang did not meet Hu Jin on time? coffee shop tea shop Story-retelling heart-broken not turn up look forward to with his roses and chocolates laughing at? Fool? not keep her word Throw away his roses and chocolates tea shop Why are you so late? I’ve been waiting for you for a long time. ve been waiting for coffee shop At last… 1. turn up 1) appear 出现,露面 He __________________so far. Please _________ the fire. 他到目前还没有出现。 2)调大声音,把...开大点儿 请把火调大一点。 hasn’t turned up turn up 你总是迟到!(做事慢慢吞吞的) You’re always __________ late for everything! turning up 相关短语: 关小,拒绝 关掉 打开 结果是...... 向某人求助 keep one’s word 守信用, 遵守诺言 break one’s word 违背诺言 in a word in other words have a word with sb. I’d like to ___________ with you. 我想和你谈一下。 简言之 换句话说 与sb.交谈 have a word A gentleman should always __ his __. A. keeps; word B. keep; word C. keeps; words D. keep; words B 3. hold one’s breath 屏息 The girl _____________ at the sight of the snake. 当那个女孩看到那条蛇的时候,她屏住呼吸。 lose one’s breath = be out of breath breathe v. breath n. held her breath 喘不过气来 When we got to the top of the mountain, we were nearly ________________(喘不过气来). out of breath 4. apologize 道歉 apologize to sb for (doing) sth = say sorry to sb for doing sth apology n. make an apology to sb f



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