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《听力词汇及听力过程的推断技巧》进阶练习 一、.根据所听对话及问题,选出最佳答案 1. Where is the woman going? A. To a museum. B. To a post office. C. To a library. 2. How often does the boy read books? A. Twice a w eek. B. Three times a week. C. Every day. 3. What is the relationship (关系) between the man and Daniel? A. Teacher and student. B. Doctor and patient. C. Father and son. 二、听对话,判断正(T)误(F) 4. The two speakers are on the beach now. 5. The man asks the woman to call the police. 参考答案 一、1. B 2. A 3. A 二、4. T 5. F 解析 1. 根据录音内容I’m going to post the letter.可知她是去邮局寄信。故选B。 2. 根据录音内容W:Do you read books every day, Sam? M: No, only twice a week. I play basketball every day.可知。故选A。 3. 根据录音内容W:Hello, Mr. Hill. This is Mrs. Street. I’m phoning about Daniel. He has a cold and he won’t be at school today. M: Oh dear! Thank you for phoning, Mrs. Street.可以判断女的是帮Daniel向老师请假。由此可知男子与Daniel应该是师生关系。故选A。 4. 根据录音内容第一句The beach is so great. Come quickly!可知他们此刻再海滩上。故填T。 5. 根据录音最后一句OK. There’s no time to waste! I will call the nearest hospital. You go and find someone for help.可知,男子让女子去找人帮忙。故填F。 听力录音材料 一、根据所听对话及问题,选出最佳答案 1. M: We’re going to the museum. Would you like to join us? W: I’m sorry I can’t. I’m going to post the letter. 2. W: Do you read books every day, Sam? M: No, only twice a week. I play basketball every day. 3. W: Hello, Mr. Hill. This is Mrs. Street. I’m phoning about Daniel. He has a cold and he won’t be at school today. M: Oh dear! Thank you for phoning, Mrs. Street. 二、听对话,判断正误 M: The beach is so great. Come quickly! W: Look! Someone has fallen into the water! I’ll help him. M: No, it is very dangerous. You aren’t good at swimming. W: But Rick, this is life or death. You can’t make me stay up here. M: Oh yes I can. Anyway what’s the result? If you jumped into the sea, there would be two of you in the sea. W: I’m sorry. M: OK. There’s no time to waste! I will call the nearest hospital. You go and find someone for help.


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