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第 54 卷 第 2 期 西 南 交 通 大 学 学 报 Vol. 54 No. 2 2019 年 4 月 JOURNAL OF SOUTHWEST JIAOTONG UNIVERSITY Apr. 2019 文章编号:0258-2724(2019)02-0235-14 DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.0258-2724 桥梁基础冲刷研究综述 向琪芪 ,李亚东 ,魏 凯 ,王顺意 ,姚昌荣 (西南交通大学土木工程学院,四川 成都 610031 ) 摘 要:冲刷是导致桥梁结构破坏的关键因素之一,从机理、计算、模型、探测及防护、承载及变形等5 个方面较 为系统地对桥梁基础冲刷的研究和实践进行了综述. 首先,在总结现有桥梁基础冲刷机理的基础上,对比分析了 已有冲刷计算公式,阐明不同公式的局限性;随后,通过综述桥梁基础冲刷在试验和数值方面的研究,指出模型试 验及数值模拟方法存在的不足和问题;此外,讨论了桥梁基础冲刷探测方法及主要的冲刷防护措施,比较了各种 探测方法的优缺点及各种防护措施的作用原理,概述了冲刷对桥墩承载及变形特性的影响;最后,指出了桥梁基 础冲刷方面值得进一步研究的问题和发展方向. 关键词:桥梁基础;冲刷;综述;研究现状 中图分类号:CT447 文献标志码:A Review of Bridge Foundation Scour XIANG Qiqi , LI Yadong , WEI Kai, WANG Shunyi, YAO Changrong (School of Civil Engineering,Southwest Jiaotong University,Chengdu 610031,China) Abstract: Scour is one of the key causes of bridge failures. This paper presents a comprehensive review of the current research on scour at bridge foundations from five aspects:mechanism ,calculation,modelling ,monitoring and countermeasures,load and deformation. Based on the mechanism of scour around bridge foundations , different formulae developed for calculating scour depth are compared and analysed ,and the limitations of the existing formulae are summarized. The results of numerical and laboratory models established for the scour studies are presented,along with a summary of the experimental and simulation limits. Moreover,a summary of monitoring methods with their advantages and disadvantages ,as well as the countermeasures with their mechanisms and the effects on lateral load a


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