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日本,东京 / Tokyo, Japan 三宅一生专卖店 2003 ISSEY MIYAKE STORE 由服装设计师泷泽直已设计的服装品牌三宅一生的第一个专卖店就坐落在一幢现有建筑的底楼中。面朝六本木中间的一条斜坡 Facing a sloped street in the middle of Roppongi Hills, the first store for the new line ISSEY MIYAKE BY NAOKI TAKIZAWA is located at the ground floor of an existing 大街。专卖店的整个空间又长又窄,巨大的玻璃沿着大街延伸,使路人能够从室外清晰地看见室内的商品。顾客希望看到一个 building. The space is long and narrow, stretching along the street façade with large window openings creating a clear view from exterior to interior. The client’s 随着季节的变化而不断更新装饰的空间。 wish was for a space that renews itself with the seasons simply by installing each new collection. 我们使用了一套可活动的剧场系统来展示服装。服饰飘浮于空中,好似剧场中舞台上的布景。通过对服饰的更新及对服饰空间 We employed a mobile theatre system as clothing display. The clothes float in the air similarly to stage sets in a theater, with a possibility for subtle spatial 位置搭配的微妙调整,整个空间的感觉随着季节而变换,以达到符合该季节特色的效果。 reconfigurations which, in synergy with the shifts in the collections, transform the space seasonally. 亮白色的内室空间使得服装的展示达到了最好的效果。整个空间高出街道的水平面,营造出一种灯光明亮、商品琳琅、人潮拥 The bright white surfaces of the interior are flavored by muted reflections of the clothes. Elevated above street level, the store space feels like a stage with 挤的舞台般效果。 the customers and the collection flooded in bright light. 192 193 短向剖面图 / Cross section 长向剖面图 / Longitudinal section 平面图 / Floor plan 194


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