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咨询热线:400 0123 267 容易忽略的SAT语法知识点 摘要: 容易忽略的SAT语法知识点:SAT语法知识点很多,考生非常容易在备考的时 候因为过于关注一些热点的知识点而忽略一些不常见的知识点。下面小马过河为大家 整理了这样的三个知识点,虽然不是每一次考试都会见到,但 是对大家的成绩还是有 很大的影响的。我们来看看详细内容吧。 编辑推荐: SAT语法考前冲刺备考策略 SAT语法改错八大答题因素 SAT语法改错题解答五步骤 The Little Three Inaddition to theBig Five, you’ll likely seea question once ina while that dealswith one of these three concepts: Conjunctions Fragments Coordination and subordination We call these the Little Three, and below we explain them all. 1. Conjunctions Conjunctions are connecting words such as and, but, that, and or. They help linktwo parts of a sentence together. Suppose you have two sentences: Abigail jumped off her horse. She then dove into a pool of deep water. A conjunction suchasand enablesyou toconnectthetwohalves of the sentence: Abigail jumped off her horse and into a pool of deep water. ImprovingSentencesquestionstestyouonconjunctionsby includingsentencesin which the conjunction makes the sentence illogical or clunky. 地址:北京市海淀区中关村海淀北一街2号鸿城拓展大厦8层 网址:/SAT/ 咨询热线:400 0123 267 Nick wrote a novel and itdepicts the lifeof a somewhat inspiringrecord store clerk. (A)and it depicts (B)being the depiction of (C) it depicts (D) that depicts (E)and depicting in it The right answer is D. In this sentence, the conjunction that expresses the function of the novel more smoothly than the clunky phrase and it does. 2. Fragments Fragments are almost the opposite of run-on sentences. Run-on sentences have clauses squashed together and joined incorrectly. Fragments have no independent clause and therefore are incomplete sentences. The hunchback vice principal growling at students in the main office. (A)The hunchback vice


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