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摘 要 Abstract This design is four-lane two-way , design traffic speed of 100 km, the road length 2720.231m, sub grade width of 26m, the carriageway width of 4 × 3.75m, among them plan to design service life as 20 years in distant view. Design the content and include the industrial grade of the road and proof, road conceptual design, appointing the technical design of highway section and special topic to be designed of the technical standard. Route selection and alignment determined in accordance with the road traffic levels, the topographic map to determine the three alternative routes, through three main indicators of the program than the election, determine the best option. Graphic design requirements in accordance with the selected book line of technical indicators, calculate flat curve parameters, determine the linear; Profile Design major consideration longitudinal and specification to meet the provisions of the book where, as far as possible so that tends to balance cut and fill, drainage and road comfort conducive to calculate vertical curve elements. Cross-sectional design of the drainage and road security and stability into account such factors determine the form of road cross-section. Foundation primarily designed to determine the compaction standards, embankment height, slope shape, slope, embankment and drainage design. Highway Slope Protection reasonable than the slope design, made of mortar and stones set retaining wall, spray Pitching and reinforce retaining walls, Control soil erosion better. The road has along the route established the perfect drainage system, like side ditches, drains, ditches closed, and so on,to the introduction of surface runoff or through natural Gully discharge culvert. Pavement used asphalt pavement design, the three-tier system. This design used Hint road design software to leave the chart, high efficiency, avoiding the waste of human resources Keywords: Asphalt Pavement; Line; Cross section; Vertical section; Retaining wal


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