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中原(工商舖) Centaline Commercial 工商舖快訊月刊2016年9月 Market Review September 2016 區董點評 Director’s Review 寫字樓部 Office Department 8月中旬中國及香港證監會發出聯合公告,正式宣布原則上批准深港通的架構。雖然市場預期措施能為香港及內地股票市場帶來雙贏局面,不過,由於市場對英國脫歐的憂慮仍未消除,大多分析均認為深港通對香港股票市場帶來的正面影響有限。然而,深港通確實能鞏固香港國際金融中心與主要離岸人民幣樞紐的地位,促進內地與國際之間的互動,更能吸引國際知名企業來港上市,以便打入內地市場,相信對本港寫字樓買賣及租賃市場均帶來裨益。    In Mid-August, the China Securities Regulatory Commission and the Securities Futures Commission of Hong Kong has jointly announced the approval in principle of the structure of Shenzhen-Hong Kong Stock Connect. The new scheme is expected to benefit both Hong Kong and Mainland stock markets, though the degree of benefit is predicted to be limited as the investment market is still worrying about UK’s decision to leave EU. However, it is no doubt that the Shenzhen-Hong Kong Stock Connect scheme serves to reinforce Hong Kongs position as an international financial center and a major hub of offshore RMB. More well-known international corporations will be attracted to list in Hong Kong stock market, so as to set up a bridge to link with mainland market. Consequently, both the office sales and leasing markets are expected to take advantage from the scheme. 工商部 Industrial / Office Department 政府放寬工廈用途,刺激新興產業對工廈需求上升;同時,市場對倉庫、數據中心等傳統用途的需求不減。有見及此,政府近年重推工業地以應付市場需求。據地政總署資料顯示,剛截標的葵涌永基路與永建路交界的工業用地,共接獲6份標書,最終由億京以約HK$8.338億奪得,折合樓面呎價約HK$2,200,出價較市場預期低。該地皮佔地約3.99萬平方呎,最高可建樓面約37.9萬平方呎,當中規定不少於11.37萬平方呎樓面需用作倉庫用途。由於項目用途廣泛,發展商表示尚未決定最終用途。    There is a rising demand on industrial premises among new industries after the government has released restrictions on usage. Meanwhile, traditional industries also consume industrial spaces to set up godowns or data centers. In respond to the market demand, the government has relaunched industrial sites for tender in recent years. According to the Lands Department, an industrial site at the junction of Wing Kei Road and Wing Kin Road in Kwai Chung has been granted to Billion Development at approx. HK$833.8 million. The average price acc


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