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English Grammar Introduction to Grammar * content of grammar * grammatical unit * part of speech * phrase * sentence element * relationship * sentence grammar: the rules of a language, for example for forming words or joining words together in sentences words sentences grammatical unit morpheme word phrase clause sentence morpheme smallest meaningful unit into which a word can be divided; eg: runs unlikely part of speech /word class 词类、词性 (10) notional words 实词 words form words 虚词 particle 小品词 -- to do determiners 限定词 noun (n.) adjective (adj./a.) numeral (num.) pronoun (pron.) verb (v.) adverb (adv./ad.) article (art.) preposition (prep.) conjunction (conj.) interjection (interj./int.) art. pron. adj. num. 11 types of phrase 1 noun phrase 2 pronoun phrase 3 verbal phrase 4 adjective phrase 5 adverbial phrase 6 numeral phrase 11 types of phrase 7 prepositional phrase 8 conjunctional phrase 9 participial phrase 10 gerundial phrase 11 infinitive phrase green house; ? white smith; 银匠,锡匠 full of water; because of; hundreds of; take place; to study hard; one another; on condition that; as well; standing at the door; in case; Going to bed early and getting up early is a good habit. member of sentence / (10) sentence element (句子成分) 1 主语 subject (S.) 2 谓语 predicate (V.) 3 宾语 object (O.) 4 定语 attribute (At.) 5 状语 adverbial (Ad.) 6 补语 complement (C.) 7 表语 predicative (P.) ①动宾verbal object ②介宾 prepositional object ③双宾 double object → indirect object + direct object (人)间宾 (物)直宾 ④复合宾语 complex object → object +object complement 宾语 + 宾补 co


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