2019届一轮复习必修五 Module3 Adventure in Literature and the Cinema.ppt

2019届一轮复习必修五 Module3 Adventure in Literature and the Cinema.ppt

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首页 上页 下页 尾页 基础知识 回顾 核心考点 突破 随堂巩固 提升 课时作业 提能 首页 上页 下页 尾页 基础知识 回顾 基础知识 回顾 核心考点 突破 随堂巩固 提升 课时作业 提能 首页 上页 下页 尾页 核心考点 突破 基础知识 回顾 核心考点 突破 随堂巩固 提升 课时作业 提能 首页 上页 下页 尾页 随堂巩固 提升 基础知识 回顾 核心考点 突破 随堂巩固 提升 课时作业 提能 首页 上页 下页 尾页 课时作业 提能 基础知识 回顾 核心考点 突破 随堂巩固 提升 课时作业 提能 2019届一轮复习外研版必修五 Module3 Adventure in Literature and the Cinema 基础知识 回顾 填一填 练一练 背一背 动词 1. vt.解决 2. vi.说谎;撒谎 3. vt. ( ,________)(使)恐慌;(使)惊慌失措 4. vt.(用绳、带等) 绑;系;拴 5. vt.打扰 6. vt.塑造;创作 7. vt.强迫;迫使 8. vt.警告 用所给词的适当形式填空 1.No one can offer a permanent to the problem,but I hold the belief that it will be sooner or later. (solve) 2.Burners Lee is a ________ man,who has ________ WWW. His is of great use to us. (create) 3.The government issued a _______ that the fish might not be fit to eat. They _______ that those who ate the fish were likely to get cancer. (warn) 1.“震惊,害怕”动词一览 ①panic使恐慌 ②amaze 使吃惊 ③astonish 使惊讶 ④frighten 使惊 吓;吓唬…… ⑤scare 惊吓;把……吓跑 ⑥shock 使震惊 ⑦surprise 使惊奇 ⑧terrify 恐吓;使害怕 solve lie panic panicked panicked tie disturb create force warn solution solved creative created creation warning warned 填一填 练一练 背一背 形容 词/ 副词 9. adj.好奇的 10. adj.非常害怕的;极度恐慌的 11. adj.坚决的 12.romantic adj. ___________________ 13.shallow adj._____ 14.vivid adj._______ _______________ 4.Children are always ________ about everything they see and hear. They will ask all kinds of questions _________. To meet their _________,wed better answer them. (curious) 5.From the ____________ expression on his face,we knew that he was ___________ to take up the job,which needed great patience and . (determine) 2.由pour想到的 ①rainfall n.降雨量 ②storm n. 暴风雨 ③thunder rain 雷雨 ④thunderstorm 雷暴 ⑤frozen rain 冰雨;冻雨 ⑥heavy rain 大雨 curious terrified determined 浪漫的;关于爱情的 浅的 (描述) 生动的;逼真的 curious curiously curiosity determined determined deter


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