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Chinese Traditional Festival;Qingming Festival ;Qingming Festival, also known as Pure Brightness Festival, is a traditional Chinese Festival, and is one of the 24 segments of the Chinese calendar.;It normally falls in early spring, on the 106th day after the winter solstice. and is a time to pay respects to one’s ancestors and to tidy their gravesite.;5;6;The custom;Because Jie Zitui died embracing a willow tree, the willow is believed to have powers against evil.;Spring Outing During March, everything in nature takes on a new look, as trees turn green, flowers blossom, and the sun shines brightly.;;Introduction;;ORIGIN;Qu Yuan jumped off river;Wu Zixu;CUSTOM;CUSTOM;CUSTOM;;;; Beautiful Legends;;;Customs;;;;;The Poems;但愿人长久, 千里共婵娟。 May the people live forever, and share the moon shine across vast distances together.;As the moon rises above the sea, we share the same time though we are far apart.;On festive occasions more than ever one thinks of his dear ones far away. ; The Spring Festival ;The origin of Spring Festival;The culture of Spring Festival;Bite and Sup;Bite and Sup;Bite and Sup;Custom;Custom;Custom;Custom;Thank you!



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