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一、名词(可数名词和不可数名词) 二、人称代词 三、冠词 四、动词 五、介词 六??数词 七、形容词和副词;一、名词;英语语法中,名词有两种数的形式:1)单数(表示一个人或事物); 2)复数(表示多于一个的人或数)。只有可数名词才有复数形式。 ;名词复数形式的构成;由元音字母的变化构成: man-men, tooth-teeth, foot-feet, mouse-mice, woman-women 2. 有些名词的复数形式与单数的形式一样: sheep, deer, fish(但也可以是fishes) 有些名词变成复数时加-en: child-children, ox-oxen;Practise;二、人称代词;Practise;所有格; ’s结构也可以用于 “of”结构之后,如:a friend of my father’s , 出现这种情况是因为在一个名词前通常只用一个限定词,又如:this son of mine, a friend of yours, a cousin of hers等等。 Isn’t Frank a friend of yours? That silly uncle of Tom’s has told me the same Joke five times. ;冠词;不定冠词的用法: 表示“一”,“任何一个”或“不管哪一个”的意思。 I have a sister and two brothers. 2. 在某些度量表示法中: We have PE lessons three times a week. 3. 用在单数的表语名词前,以表示职业、行业、宗教、等级等。 George wants to be an engineer. 4. 在以what引导的感叹句中,单数的可数名词前。 What a pretty girl! 5. 一些常用短语中。 have a good time, half an hour, have a headache…. ;定冠词的用法: 用来表示“独一无二”的意思。 The sun rises in the east and sets in the west. 2. 表示“说话的人刚刚提到过的人或事物”。 There is a boat in the river. The boat is made of wood. 3. 用在后面跟有限定性介词短语的名词前。 the letter from America, the fourteenth of April 4. 用在泛指的乐器名词前。 He plays the piano. 5. 一些常用短语。 by the way, in the morning, What’s the matter? ;零冠词的用法: 泛指的抽象名词前。Life is very hard for some people. 2. 泛指的物质名词前。Water is very useful. 3. 泛指的复数名词前。Books are my best friends. 4. 泛指的“餐”名前。Come to have dinner/breakfast with me. 5. 大多数的专有名词前。He comes from France. 6. 语言的名词前。She can speak French. 7. 在季节和节日的名词前。Winter is the best time for skating. 8. 当名词前已有一些代词修饰时。My brother is a soldier. 9. 在体育项目的名词前。play basketball 10. 一些常用短语。 at home, go to school, at night;1. There is _____notebook on my desk. I use _____ notebook to keep a diary. 2. There is ______bottle on the table. _____ water in it is sweet. 3. Wangs mother is ______English teacher. She teaches in _____ primary school. 4. China is ______ ancient country with _____ long history. 5. China has _____ population of 12 hundred million. _____ Chines


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