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铺平衡铜: 命令为:Thieving 布局布线模块拷贝 以下操作均在Placement Edit模式(空白处单击右键-Application Mode-Placement Edit)下。 选中好布局布线完成好的模块, 在选中好的模块上单击右键,选用:place replicate create命令 Done 保存模块文件,以后需要调用 选择需要模块重用的模块 在选中好的模块上单击右键,选用:place replicate apply 命令下:unnamed 选择. ok 完成。 报错: Design flow is Constraint Manager enabled, require pstcmdb.dat and pstcmbc.dat files。 解决方法: 1. In Allegro type: skill return type: axlDBControl(cmgrEnabledFlow nil) return. You should see a t in the command area which indicates the command was successful. This will reset the branding flag inside the database so netrev will not look for pstcm*.dat files. type: exit return to exit the skill interpreter Save the .brd file. 2. Delete the constraints folder under project/worklib/design name 3. Delete the opf folder under project/worklib/design name 4. In the packaged directory - delete cmdbview.dat, cmdcview.dat, pstcmdb.dat, pstcmbc.dat, pstcmback.dat 5. Run Export Physical to regenerate the netlist files. 6. Run Import Logic in Allegro. 7. From this point on, constraints are managed in Allegro. Whenever you run Export Logic from Allegro, the checkbox Export using Constraint Manager enabled flow should be unchecked. Important: This procedure assume the design is flat and has been back-annotated。 禁用OrCAD的Startpage 方法1: ViewToolbarCommand Window 输入以下命令: SetOptionBool EnableStartPage 0 回车 关闭 Orcad Capture CIS,然后再重新打开,已经没有再弹出Start Page 页面了。 方法2: 1. Open any design in Capture. 2. From the Menu bar, select Accessories \ Cadence Tcl/Tk Utilities \Utilities. 3. In the Tcl/Tk Applications Dashboard, select Extended Preferences and press the Launch button. 4. In the column Settings, uncheck Load web page on startup. 报错: ERROR(SPMHNI-234): Cannot write drawing, #Taaaaaaxxxxx.tmp out to the directory: Database has a non-recoverable corruption. Contact Cadence customer support. 解决方法:在PCB控制台中运行dbdoctor.


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