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台東大學教育學報 第二十卷第二期 2009 年,20 (2 ),137-166 教育勞力市場化的初期情況和影響機制: 以七所師資培育中心的合格中等師資初職為例 紀金山 黃毅志 摘要 在師資培育制度改革 10 年後的師資供過於求態勢下,本文根據七所師資培育 中心在 2003 和 2004 年間所培育出的中等合格師資之求職結果,探討中等教育勞 力市場化的初期情況和其影響機制。在此階段,雖然從包含代課教師的廣義教職 面向看來,中等合格師資的勞動參與情況達 8 成,可見當時合格師資供過於求的 情形並不是很嚴重;但若僅從正式教職的狹義教職來看,中等合格師資正式的勞 動參與情況為 5 成多,師資供過於求的失衡現象的確已明顯需要政策處理。在教 職取得的影響機制方面,人力資本的影響最為關鍵,也最為普遍;文化資本對公 立正式教職的取得有顯著正向影響;社會資本和訊息效用則僅對私立正式教職的 取得有顯著正向影響。整體看來,合格教師的教職取得機制差異也反映中等教育 勞力市場中,公私部門的分隔現象。 關鍵詞:師資供需、勞力市場、師資培育** 紀金山,靜宜大學社會工作與兒童少年福利學系副教授。E-mail: cschi@pu.edu.tw 黃毅志,台東大學教育學系教授。E-mail: hungeg@nttu.edu.tw 投稿日期:2009 年 3 月 7 日;修改日期:2009 年 9 月 2 日;通過日期:2009 年 9 月 8 日。 138 台東大學教育學報 2009, 20(2), pp. 137-166 NTTU Educational Research Journal 2009, 20(2), 137-166 The Marketization of Teaching Force and the Mechanisms of the Job-seeking: A Study of Certificated Teachers’ First Job-seeking among Seven High-School-Teacher Education Centers Chin-Shan Chi Yih-Jyh Hwang Abstract Based on the analysis of the first job of those graduates from seven high-school-teacher education centers in 2003-2004, this article delineated the early situation of the labor market of teaching and explored the mechanisms on the job-seeking process at high school level since the reform of teaching education. From the point of obtaining generic teaching jobs, the match problem between needs and supply seemed not very serious. But for getting the official teaching position, it appeared quite apparent that the supply of teaching force was over the demand of it. In the job-seeking process, the effect of human capital was the most critical factor on all kinds of the teaching positions. However, the effect of cultural capital was


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