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The Childhood that We Cannot Go Back;Since I knew the earth is round, I had been worried that the people half a globe away would fall off from the earth. ;Its really a difficult problem.;SOMETHING PUZZLED US WHEN WE WERE YOUNG;If I keep digging in the direction opposite Earth,I can reach America directly,can’t I ?;The teacher telled us that the Red Flag is red with the blood of the martyrs .;Why does the telephone still work when the power cut???;I ‘d like put stickers or hoodles into a bottle which used to hold face cream,and buried it under a tree with mark.;Believed that Captain Black was true,and wish he can help us to fight with the bad.;Aways wanted to know who is powerful between Monkey-king and Automan when I was reading picture books.;I sucked with lodestone, why is one also sucked?;Mom said I was picked out from the garbage can.;I will marry Snow White/Prince Charming when I grow up.;My mother says that watermelon seeds will be inside the belly the circle the big watermelon , if I eat it.;The Food We Loved;;;;;What We Used to Play With;;;;;;;Do You Remember?;;;;At last;?Childhood life, is too long for my life, I was too attached to the sweet, childhood, in my mind can not be erased, it evoked so many thoughts, I caused too much desire. ;What we really miss is not just those memories of the childhood we cannot go back. We also miss those pals we grew up with and those little touching stories;?Childhood, No matter how far you are away from me, I will never forget you because you are my records too much sweet and happy profound lessons. ?


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