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英国教育与美国教育的异同 英国的教育旨在帮助学生尽量发展个人才能,并将这些才能加以培训,进而贡献社会。英国的中小学教育属于强制性教育,所有的人在五岁至十六岁期间均要接受义务教育。美国教育制度和大多数其它国家教育制度的一个主要不同点,美国的教育为社会上每一个人而办,不是专为少数人而设。用税款兴办的免费教育,除了设立一般学校的科目如数学、历史、语文外,还有缝纫、打字、无线电与汽车修理等科目。学生可依自己的兴趣、个人未来的计划和才能,从许多科目中自行选修。美国教育的主要目的,在于发展每个孩子的才能,不管它高或低到什么程度,同时给每个孩子灌输公民意识。所以说重视教育,致力发展学生的个人才能是英美教育的共同的特点。当然英美两国的教育是有其各自特色;英国的教育比较规范,美国的教育比较开放、讲究实用主义。就大学的教育来说英国大学的教学质量是世界最好的,但是美国大学的优势在研究上,另外制度更宽松一点,不像英国,在课程安排和毕业时间上太过僵硬。 英美两国有着同源的文化是两国教育具有共同点的历史背景,美国的教育继承了欧洲古老的教育传统,但是发展到今天已有自己特色。虽然英美有着同源的文化,但是两国的区别还是很大的。英国是君主立宪制国家,而美国是联邦总统制的国家,两国有着不同的教育制度,这是两国教育不同的只要原因。 1、分句翻译 British similarities and differences between education and American education 英国教育与美国教育的异同 UK education designed to help students develop their personal skills, And these can be trained, And thus contribute to society. Britains primary and secondary education are compulsory education, All the people in five ten-year-old were to accept the compulsory education period. United States education system and most other national education system a major difference, Education in the United States, everyone in the society but do not specifically designed for the small number of people. Set up with a tax free education, apart from a general school subjects such as math, history, languages, there are sewing, typing, wireless and automotive repair and other subjects. Students according to their own interests, future plans and to individuals, from many elective courses in their own. The main purpose of American education, is to develop the talents of each child, no matter to what extent the high or low, while giving each childs civic awareness. So great importance to education, committed to the development of individual students is the common features of American education. Of course, British and American education has its own characteristics; Comparison of the UKs education standard, the U.S. education more open, pay attention to pragmatism. Education on the University of British universities for teaching qua


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