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1941年,美国黑人男低音歌唱家Paul Bobeson不仅在纽约公开 唱了这首歌,并在1941年灌录了一张名为 Chee Lai: Songs of New China“ , Robeson,的中国革命歌曲唱片,在美国发行传 唱,宋庆龄还亲自为这套唱片撰写了序言宋庆龄亲为唱片撰写序 言!主题曲 Chee Lai (Arise)就是《义勇军进行曲,》 Arise!You who refuse to be bound slaves! Let‘s stand up and fight for Liberty and true democracy! All the world is facing The change of tyranny, Everyone who wants freedom is now crying: Arise!Arise! Arise! All of us in one heart, With the torch of freedom, March on! With the torch of freedom, March on! March on! March on and on! Arise!You who refuse to be bound slaves!起来,不愿做奴隶的人民 Let‘s stand up and fight for 让我们站起来为 Liberty and true democracy! 自由和真正的民主而战 All the world is facing the change of tyranny, 整个世界笼罩在残暴罪行的阴下 Everyone who wants freedom is now crying:渴望自由的人们正在哭喊: Arise!Arise! Arise! 起来!起来!起来! All of us in one heart, 我们万众一心, With the torch of freedom, 高举自由的火炬, March on! 前进! With the torch of freedom, 高举自由的火炬, March on!March on!March on and on! 前进!前进!前进进!!! Arise! You who refuse to be bound es!Lets stand up and fight for Liberty true democracy!All the world is ng The change of tyranny,Everyone who s freedom is now crying:Arise! Arise! e!All of us in one heart,With the h of freedom,March on!With the torch reedom,March on! March on! March on and 《 资料来源:网路文章》真心感谢原作者! ~ ~ ~ * * *


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