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PAGE PAGE 1 医学英语写作词汇 1、生活习惯   life-style 生活习惯   a disorder of body and mind   a physical and mental disorder   crazy tempo of life 快节奏的生活   high tempo of life   be accustomed to sth   the exercise habit   2、运动与休息   ample sleep 充足的睡眠   relax oneself   take sports   physical exercises   sport activities   do sports   sports ground (简) gym 体育场馆   entertainment   be more/less physically fit   sustain the exercise habit   constitution 体质   3、范文   (1) Common reasons for not exercising are no willpower, poor facilities, boredom , fatigue , no partner ,sheer laziness, or lack of time   (2) the overall conclusion is clear: physical activity benefits body and mind, and should be encourage for all ,especially those who are now the least active 医学考博英语写作词汇分类:心理疾病 医学考博英语写作词汇分类:药物 医学 考博英语写作词汇分类:必知疾病名称 医学 考博英语写作词汇分类:医疗、医院、医生 来源: /kb/show_6122_3751.html 医学类考博英语词汇必备——Body 身体部位/组织 ear n. 耳朵   close one’s ear to 完全不听…   eye n. 眼睛   eye for eye 以牙还牙/in the eye of 在…看来   eyesight n. 视力   have good / poor eyesight 视力佳/不佳   vision n. 视觉,视力;幻想,幻影;眼力,   myopia n.近视   macroscopical a.宏观的;肉眼可见的   nasal a.鼻的;鼻音的   facial a. 面部的   wrinkle n. 皱纹 vt. vi.(使)起皱纹;   crumple v.把…弄皱;打垮   frown n./v.皱眉头   cilia n.睫;纤毛   forehead n. 前额   cheek n. 面颊,脸蛋   jaw n. 额,颚,下巴   beak n.(鸟的)嘴;(器皿的)鸟嘴形口   tooth n. 牙齿   molar n.磨牙,臼齿a.克分子的   tongue n. 舌头; 语言,口语   throat n. 喉咙   moustache n. 胡须   shoulder n. 肩,肩部   shoulder to shoulder 肩并肩;团结一致   chest n. 胸膛,胸腔   breast n. 胸脯,乳房   bosom n.胸;内心;胸怀   belly n. 肚子   belly-button n.脐   chamber n.腔,心室;房间;议院;会所;   belly button 肚脐   back n. 背,背后,后部 a. 后面的 ad. 回(原处),向后   handkerchief n. 手帕,手绢   handle n. 柄,把手   handshake n. 握手   knob n. (门、抽屉的)球形把手; (收音机等的)旋钮   claw n. 爪,脚爪 vt. (用爪)抓,撕   thumb n. 拇指   finger n. 手指(尤指大拇指以外的手指)   the index finger 食指//the ring finger 无名指   fingernail n. 指甲   fingerprint n. 指纹   waist n. 腰,腰部   knee n. 膝盖   ankle n. 踝,踝关节   thigh n.股;大腿   thorax n.胸;胸廓;胸膛   thumb n.拇指   thymus n.胸腺   thyroid n.甲状腺   tympanum n. 鼓膜,耳膜;中耳   umbilicus n.脐  


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