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我国公益信托发展问题研究 内容提要 在我国,公益信托是~个全新的概念,也是一个全新的信托产晶。在《中华人民共和国僖字卺法》第六章,公益信托被单翻一章,是见立法者对这一信抵产品的重视。但是由于秘枣巾原因,我们的社会包括与公益信托有紧密关系的公益潦业管理机构,对公益信托知之甚少,于是信托机构在开展公益信托业务时也是举步维艰。而在市场经济发达国家,公益傣撬毒≥鬻发达,并且对{氇翻豹丰±会经济产生囊抒豁影响。 本文从公益信托的概念界定入手,运用实证法和比较法,通过研究我国社会经济现状、公益事业现状以及公益信托的制度优势,论涯了我莺发麓公益信托静必要性。接着通过国际晓较磁究,借鉴公益信托发达的醺方国家的成功经验,比较屠发现我国在社会环境、制度环境等方面存在的差距与缺陷。最后在上述研究的基础上,笔者提出了关于完善我国公益信托制度的几点设想与建议。关键词:公益信托、自由、效率、税收、制度安排 AbstractCharitable trust is both a new concept and a new trust product to the Chinese market.When the((Trust law ofthe People’S Republic ofChina))xvas released,the lawmakershows high attention lo charitable trust by setting aside the whole sixth chapterdealing、“th what a charitable trust is and how to supervise it.In western developedcountries,such as America and England,charitable trust has gained grit success andplayed a critical role in their market economy society.However,in China,manypeople,and even SOIIle people who work in chary administrates bureaus stitl are notsure what charitable trust is.Therefore,it is very difficult for trust and investmentcorporations to develop charitable trust in China。 This paper begins with defining the concept of charitable trust。In the process of research,empirical method and comparative analysis are applied.First we study thesocial—economic status and charitable activities in China,meanwhile,we also studythe superiority of charitable trust system.Our results point out that it is essential to develop charitable trust in our country.孰the second part,we make a research 011 some successful charitable systems of western developed countries,since we know that there still exist serious deficiencies in our society and in our present taw system.At the end of the thesis.we put forward wim several suggestions about how to improve our charitable trust system.Key words:Charitable trUSt,Freedom,Efficiency,Arrangement ofsystem浙江大学硕士学位论文 我国公盎信托裳袋闷薤霹究1.亏|言 2001年10胄1爵,《中牮入琵共莘嚣国绩托法》矮布并实藏e 2002年中,人民银行宣布,中国信托业第五次清理整顿将在2002年内结柬。就在2002年7月之后,各地晌个人僖托产品一下子纷涌而舀:上海外环


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